Course detail

Business Activities

FP-SopPAcad. year: 2020/2021

The course provides students with basic theoretical knowledge of business and business activities and is focused on general, as well as corporate levels. The course deals with the significance of business in the economy, its structure and functions. The theoretical aspects will be applied to practical examples from consumer and industrial markets.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will understand the significance of business in the state economy; they will be able to recognize different types of business and business activities and with the help of an analysis choose a business activity suitable for different markets. Students will be able to apply their knowledge to the management of business activities taking into account the customers&; needs and wants.


Basic economic and management terminology and categories; market functioning; organization functions; management functions and elements; business environment, basics of social communication.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. Lecture, presentation, managed disscussion, team work, project management.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The evaluation of the course takes to the consideration the systematic, ongoing work of the students. The final assessment is classified according to ECTS and will depend not only on the results of the written examination of knowledge, but also on the active participation of students in controlled lectures. The aim of evaluation is to test the knowledge, abilities and skills of students through completion of the project and test. Total amount of the points is 150.
Proposal 10
Project 40
Test 100
Final evaluation of the subject is minimum 25% of the points from seminar (individual project) and minimum 50 points of the test. Condition for pass the subject is obtaining evaluation E (minimun 50 points after recalculation).

Course curriculum

1. Business and its position in National Economy and in the EU. Role of business in the national economy.
2. Defining the business terminology. Stakeholders, corporate social responsibility.
3.The rules and regulations governing business activities. Legal forms of business establishments.Business categories, kinds and types.
4. Transformation of Czech trade, the European Union and a single internal market, competition law in the Czech Republic and the EU
5. Importance of business cooperation, networking, franchising, dominance and diversification of business enterprises
6. Historical development and consumer protection systems in business (world, Czech Republic, EU)
7. Business operations law, business assortment, identification and importance of packing
8. Territorial business strategies, analysis, selection and localization of trade. Economic, social and environmental impacts
9. Technology of wholesale and retail operations, space management
10. Economy and Management of a Business Enterprise
11. Personal management in trading company, education, trainning, and specifications.
12. Marketing of business activities, relation of marketing to business activity. Customers-oriented management of business activities.Latest development trends.
13. Business models and its designing, porcess of business model development, five stages of business model, evaluation, sources, sustainability.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The main objective of the course is to familiarize students with basic terminology used in business, with different kinds and types of business activities, with legal forms of companies, as well as with development trends. Lectures emphasise practical application of the management of business activities in accordance with customers; needs and wants on consumer and industrial markets.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Monitoring of students’ individual work on the assigned tasks. If this condition is not satisfied, the tutor may set additional conditions or coursework if appropriate.
Activities for passing the course:
1. Attendance (minimum 4 seminars out of 6 seminars)
2. Team written project, its presentation and review
- preparation of market entry for the selected product or service.
- Projects for teams of 4-5 people.
3. Field research - field research (Detailed information - company letter and questionnaire will be posted in the news and delivered orally at lectures and exercises) the deadline for submission of completed questionnaires is the end of November electronically to the address of the seminar lecture - file (student_name_name_OP)
4. Lectures of practitioners (during the semester you will have the opportunity to visit lectured lectures of practitioners from abroad or abroad, which you will learn in the Actualities of the course)
5. The credit test at the given dates by the supervisor of the subject

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

CIMLER,P., ZADRAŽILOVÁ, D. kol. retail Management. Praha: Grada Publishing, s.r.o. 2007. 312s.ISBN 978-80-7261-167-6
HINDL, R.,. HOLMAN, R., HRONOVÁ,S., a kol. Ekonomický slovník1.vyd.C.H.BECK. Praha,2003. 519 s. ISBN 80-7179-819-3.
JANATKA, F. a kol. Obchod v rámci Evropské unie a obchodní operace mimo členské země EU. Praha: ASPI, 2004, 1.vyd. 296s. ISBN 80-7357-006-8.
KOTLER, P., KELLER, K., L. Marketing Managament. 12.vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007. 788 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1359-5.
MULAČOVÁ, V, MULAČ, P. a kol. Obchodní podnikání ve 21.století. Praha: Grada Publishing. 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4780-4.
PRAŽSKÁ, L. JINDRA, J. a kol. Obchodní podnikání. Praha: Management Press, 2002, 2.vyd. 874s. ISBN 80-7261-059-7
PRAŽSKÁ, L., JINDRA, J. akol. Obchodní podnikání. Praha: Management Press, 2002, str.874, ISBN 80-7261-059-7.
VIESTOVÁ, K. Teória obchodu. Bratislava: Sprint vfra, 2001, 208s. ISBN 80-88848-88-1.
ZÁBOJ, M. Obchodní operace. 2010. [online] [cit. 2010/2011] Dostupné z
ZADRAŽILOVÁ, D., KHELEROVÁ, V. Management obchodní firmy. Praha: Grada Publishing, s.r.o., str.293, ISBN 80-85623-72-2
ZAMAZALOVÁ, M. Marketing obchodní firmy. Praha: Grada Publishing, s.r.o. 2009. 240s. ISBN 978-80-247-2049-4.

Recommended reading

BEDNÁŘ, P., SPILKOVÁ, J. aj. Nákupní řetězce – nové výzvy [online]. Brno: Nesehnutí, 2008 [cit. 13. května 2010]. Dostupné na WWW:> ISBN 978-80-87217-00-9.
ČERNÝ, V. Prodejní techniky. Brno: Computer Press, 2003. 1.vyd. 470s. ISBN 80-079-37-4.
KLAPALOVÁ, Alena a Ladislav BLAŽEK. Nákupní podmínky v nákupních centrech v České republice. In Vedecká rozprava k téme "trh, obchod a individuálna spotreba". 1. vyd. Košice: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Podnikovohospodárska fakulta Košice, 2008. s. 20-27, 8 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2633-3.
LYKOVÁ, J. Jak organizovat a řídit úspěšný prodej. Praha: Grada, 2002. 1.vyd. 199s. ISBN 80-247-0205-3.
OSTERWALDER, A. a Y. PIGNEUR. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionries, Game Chanfers, and…Canada: John Wileyand Sons. 2013. ISBN 978-0470-87641-1.
SCHIFFMAN, L., KANUK, L., L. Nákupní chování. Brno, 2004. 1.vyd. 633s. ISBN 80-251-0094-4.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MGR-SRP Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Business and its position in National Economy and in the EU. Role of business in the national economy.
2. Defining the business terminology. Stakeholders, corporate social responsibility.
3.The rules and regulations governing business activities. Legal forms of business establishments.Business categories, kinds and types.
4. Transformation of Czech trade, the European Union and a single internal market, competition law in the Czech Republic and the EU
5. Importance of business cooperation, networking, franchising, dominance and diversification of business enterprises
6. Historical development and consumer protection systems in business (world, Czech Republic, EU)
7. Business operations law, business assortment, identification and importance of packing
8. Territorial business strategies, analysis, selection and localization of trade. Economic, social and environmental impacts
9. Technology of wholesale and retail operations, space management
10. Economy and Management of a Business Enterprise
11. Personal management in trading company, education, trainning, and specifications.
12. Marketing of business activities, relation of marketing to business activity. Customers-oriented management of business activities.Latest development trends.
13. Business models and its designing, porcess of business model development, five stages of business model, evaluation, sources, sustainability.


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The content of the seminars is to practice lecture topics and to work out tasks:
1. Practicing the topics of lectures1-3, project assignment.
2. Practicing the topics of lectures4-6, consultations on project proposal sheets
4. Practicing the topics of lectures7-9, submission of projects
5. Practicing the topics of lectures10-13, consultations on presentations and
evaluation projects
6. Presentation of projects