Course detail

Energy Savings in Building Renovations

FAST-NHA065Acad. year: 2020/2021

The course is aimed at enhancing knowledge of renovations and retrofitting of buildings. It emphasizes energy savings in various types of historical buildings and materials that were applied during the 20th century.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Building Structures (PST)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Not applicable.


Basic knowledge in the fields: building design; building physics; building chemistry and building services.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not applicable.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Not applicable.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to the course; history of buildings and architectural styles in the Czech Republic; surveys and diagnostics in building renovations.
2. Energy savings in retrofitting of external walls: fundamental overview; variants of thermal insulation applications; design criteria and methods of implementation; specific approaches to walls made of stone, mud, timber and mixed masonry.
3. Defects and faults of thermal insulation systems, rehabilitation of ETICS. Rehabilitation of selected building structures and improvement of their thermal performance: windows and doors, floors and ceilings.
4. Energy savings in retrofitting of curtain walling: unitised construction and stick construction, glazed facades, historical curtain walling.
5. Renovations of pitched and flat roofs: defects and failures, recovery of function and improvement of thermal performance.
6. Introduction to pre-cast concrete buildings: historical development of standardized construction systems and their envelope walls. Energy savings in retrofitting of pre-cast concrete buildings, defects and failures of envelope walls, modifications of balconies, loggias and parapet walls.
7. Energy savings in retrofitting of specialized buildings: standardized prefabricated frames, halls, high-rise buildings, industrial buildings, swimming pools, etc.
8. Energy savings in retrofitting of historical and heritage buildings: contemporary legal requirements and other regulations in the Czech Republic, conservation versus interventions.
9. Energy savings in retrofitting of building equipment: fundamental overview, spatial requirements, related construction works (placing of pipes and wires, rehabilitation of chimneys, installation of heat pumps, HVAC, etc.).
10. Summary of legal and standardized requirements on design documentation of building renovations; the most common defects and failures in the implementation of energy saving measures.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme NPC-EVB Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to the course; history of buildings and architectural styles in the Czech Republic; surveys and diagnostics in building renovations. 2. Energy savings in retrofitting of external walls: fundamental overview; variants of thermal insulation applications; design criteria and methods of implementation; specific approaches to walls made of stone, mud, timber and mixed masonry. 3. Defects and faults of thermal insulation systems, rehabilitation of ETICS. Rehabilitation of selected building structures and improvement of their thermal performance: windows and doors, floors and ceilings. 4. Energy savings in retrofitting of curtain walling: unitised construction and stick construction, glazed facades, historical curtain walling. 5. Renovations of pitched and flat roofs: defects and failures, recovery of function and improvement of thermal performance. 6. Introduction to pre-cast concrete buildings: historical development of standardized construction systems and their envelope walls. Energy savings in retrofitting of pre-cast concrete buildings, defects and failures of envelope walls, modifications of balconies, loggias and parapet walls. 7. Energy savings in retrofitting of specialized buildings: standardized prefabricated frames, halls, high-rise buildings, industrial buildings, swimming pools, etc. 8. Energy savings in retrofitting of historical and heritage buildings: contemporary legal requirements and other regulations in the Czech Republic, conservation versus interventions. 9. Energy savings in retrofitting of building equipment: fundamental overview, spatial requirements, related construction works (placing of pipes and wires, rehabilitation of chimneys, installation of heat pumps, HVAC, etc.). 10. Summary of legal and standardized requirements on design documentation of building renovations; the most common defects and failures in the implementation of energy saving measures.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to practice classes; classification requirements; assignment of semestral work. 2. Consultations of the assignments and individual field work: collection of necessary background information, preliminary building survey, measurements and photodocumentation. 3. Building survey: basic structural, moisture and bio-corrosion survey, including a preliminary assessment of the current state. 4.–8. Design of the building retrofit (emphasizing energy savings). 9. Individual consultation; presentation of the results. 10. Submission of semestral work; credits.