Course detail

Cadastre 3

FAST-NEA034Acad. year: 2020/2021

Settlement of land borders. Correction of errors in the real estate cadastre.
Verification and Confirmation of Geometric Plans.
Providing information from the real estate cadastre.
Digital cadastral map (DKM) and cadastral map digitized (KM-D) (KMD). Legal issues of writing and managing real estate relationships.
Information System of the Property Register (ISKN).

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Geodesy (GED)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The student gets knowledge about aligning of property boarders,error correction in cadastre, verification and acknowledgment of survey sketch, providing information from cadastre, digital cadastre map (DKM) and digitalized cadastre map (KM-D) and cadastre of real estates information system.


Capability to survey for the needs of complicated cases of cadastre. Knowledge of making complicated survey sketches and basic manipulation with cadastre information system.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not applicable.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Not applicable.

Course curriculum

1. Verification and confirmation of geometric plans.
2. Complex geometric plan. Types of geometric plans
3. Providing information from the real estate cadastre.
4. Digital Cadastral Map (DKM) and Cadastral Map in Digital Format (KMD).
5. Replace the KM-D map with the DKM or KMD map. OKO new mapping. Boundary detection and deployment to ISKN
6. Legal issues of writing and conducting legal relations with real estate. Rules of procedure and procedure.
7. ISKN, system familiarization, system modules. PU module, data provision, PM, measurement data, procedure for a simple legal act in the system.
8. RUIAN, functionality of the system, links to the information system of the real estate cadastre.
9. Application of the Building Act and the Land Planning Act in the Context of the Cadastral Act. The spatial layout of the building from the point of view of the building and cadastral law.
10. Land Registry and Water Act, Energy Act, Telecommunications Act. Real Estate Tax Act. Cadastre of Real Estate and Real Estate Valuation

Work placements

Not applicable.


Students goal is to create and solve complicated tasks of the survey sketches and parcel boundary alignment. Students are acquainted with the problems of corrections and changes in the contents of the real estate cadastre.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme NPC-GK Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Verification and confirmation of geometric plans. 2. Complex geometric plan. Types of geometric plans 3. Providing information from the real estate cadastre. 4. Digital Cadastral Map (DKM) and Cadastral Map in Digital Format (KMD). 5. Replace the KM-D map with the DKM or KMD map. OKO new mapping. Boundary detection and deployment to ISKN 6. Legal issues of writing and conducting legal relations with real estate. Rules of procedure and procedure. 7. ISKN, system familiarization, system modules. PU module, data provision, PM, measurement data, procedure for a simple legal act in the system. 8. RUIAN, functionality of the system, links to the information system of the real estate cadastre. 9. Application of the Building Act and the Land Planning Act in the Context of the Cadastral Act. The spatial layout of the building from the point of view of the building and cadastral law. 10. Land Registry and Water Act, Energy Act, Telecommunications Act. Real Estate Tax Act. Cadastre of Real Estate and Real Estate Valuation


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Drawing land borders. 2. Correction of errors in the real estate cadastre. 3. Identification of parcels. Verifying and Confirming Geometric Plans. 4. Providing information from the real estate cadastre. 5. Digital cadastral map (DKM) and cadastral map digitized (KM-D) (KMD). 6. Legal issues of writing and conducting legal relations with real estate. Elegant adjustments related to the real estate cadastre. 7. Real Estate Cadastre Information System (ISKN). 8. Complex geometric plan. 9. Forensic Expertise and Cadastre of Real Estate 10. Credits