Course detail

Exercise Physiology

CESA-SFTZAcad. year: 2020/2021

Learning outcomes of the course unit The subject is aimed at obtaining an overview of the ways of loading the organism of an individual in various types of physical activities. The theoretical topics are followed by practical examples of loading of the organism using appropriate instrumentation. Part of the course is to acquaint students with the adaptation of the organism to stimuli of various character, nutritional patterns, drinking regime during physical activities and sport and health consequences of physical activities.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The graduate of the course will be able to:
- explain basic knowledge, concepts and put them into context with knowledge of physiology,
- describe basic examination methods in this area,
- choose the appropriate approach and method for a given problem in this area,
- consider client risks in certain species burdens
- use practically acquired knowledge.
In laboratory exercises the student will:
- acquire skills in the field of stress diagnostics,
- get acquainted with various methods of measurement in the laboratory and in the field.
- learn how to design the right physical load for a particular individual practically,
- acquire skills for basic operation of devices used to diagnose physiological parameters


It is assumed that students have completed lectures and exercises in Physiology, Sport Medicine, Anatomy and Functional Anatomy.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lecture, seminar.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Evaluation of the course (see the SFTZ course in Moodle)

Course curriculum

Syllabus of lectures
* Respiratory system
* Circulatory system
* Digestive, excretory system, drinking regime
* Changes in the nervous and endocrine system
* Stress tests - types of stress tests, their use
* Risk diseases during physical activities
* Use of telemetry in cardiology and rehabilitation
* Use of telemetry in sports
* Compensatory sports-muscle imbalances
* Changes in the musculoskeletal system under different types of exercise
* Immune system, its changes during physical activity.
* Summary revision
* Discussion, test

Practical training syllabus:

• Basics of data collection - laboratory and field
• Portable devices for measuring biochemical and hematological parameters, glucose measurement, measurement of hematocrit and hemoglobin, oximetry, lactate measurement, measurement of parameters from urine
• Stress and rest diagnostics in the laboratory: Blood pressure measurement, Rest and work metabolism, Oxygen deficiency and oxygen debt, Tests at submaximal intensity, Measurement of maximum oxygen consumption, Anaerobic fitness measurement, Pulmonary function
• Stress diagnostics in the field: Cooper tests, Rockport fitness walking test, Maximum sprint test, Léger 20 m – beep test, Submaximal step test using a bench, YO-YO test

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim of the course is to build on the basic overview of human physiology and to develop knowledge in the physiology of stress.
This course should provide students with the knowledge they need in vocational subjects and especially in practice.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Seminars are compulsory, compensation is possible exceptionally after agreement with the teacher.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Haff, G.G., Dumke CH. (2019). Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics (EN)
Heller, J. & Vodička, P. (2018). Praktická cvičení z fyziologie tělesné zátěže. Karolinum. (CS)
Housh, T.J., Cramer, J.T., Weir, J.P., Beck, T.W., Johnson, G.O. (2016). Laboratory Manual for exercise physiology, exercise testing and physical fitness. Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers, Inc. Housh, T.J., Cramer, J.T., Weir, J.P., Beck, T.W., Johnson, G.O. (2016). Laboratory Manual for exercise physiology, exercise testing and physical fitness. Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers, Inc. (EN)
Novotný, J., Sebera, M., Hrazdíra, L., Novotná, M. (2003). Kapitoly sportovní medicíny. 1. vyd. Brno: Paido / Fakulta sportovních studií MU, ISBN 80-7315-064-6 (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme SPC-STC Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer

Practical class

26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer