Course detail
CESA-SKNPAcad. year: 2020/2021
Students will acquire basic knowledge of physical culture, kinanthropology, anthropomotorics, physical education, physical activities, psychology of sport, development of human motor skills, which are necessary for understanding the work of sports technology. The content of physical culture and kinanthropology will be defined, the basic scientific questions of the fields dealing with the causes, uses and consequences of human movement will be explained.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- explain basic concepts in the field of physical culture and kinanthropology
- describe the system of sport, physical education, physical activities, physical exercises
- explain the basics of physical culture, kinanthropology, anthropomotorics and scientific issues of these fields
- explain the concept of physical exercises, physical activities, their classification, movement structure, the relationship between physical exercises and the environment
- describe ontogenesis of human motor, stages of motor learning, explain structure of motor abilities and skills
- explain the need for assessment in kinanthropology, anthropomotorics and the need to develop assessment criteria
- describe the use of motor tests, explain anthropometric measurements in sports and physical education
Student can:
- describe situational variables for measuring personality in sports
- to know the needs of the athlete from socio-scientific aspects,
- apply the learned knowledge in relation to disciplines
- manage individual and group examinations in the sports environment
- can build a test battery for measuring public health from the point of view of physical activity of the population,
- can evaluate measurement results in connection with social needs.
Student knows:
- diagnostic methods in the field of sciences with a focus on physical education and sport,
- patterns of personality development in a sports environment
- methodological procedures that are applied when working with a client in a sports environment
The written exam verifies whether the student is able to:
- explain basic knowledge, concepts of content of physical culture, kinanthropology and their relations
- describe the stages of motoric learning of a person, give practical examples, describe the structure of motoric abilities and skills and relationships between them
- explain typology of body types, divide and describe motor tests, state purpose and examples of their use
- give practical examples of anthropometric measurements in body culture
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
1. Physical culture as a social phenomenon, definition of physical activity, its basic types and forms, organization and management in sport, system of physical education, physical exercise and physical activity and their structure
2. Philosophical foundations of physical education and sport, physical activity and its position in contemporary society, social importance of physical education and sport and social activity of physical activities on man, society, educational processes
3. Sport psychology and its application in contemporary sport, performance, personality of the athlete
4. Development of human motor skills, principles of motor learning, fitness movement abilities, coordination and hybrid movement abilities; Movement skills; Motor tests, their validity, reliability and objectivity
5. Basic ways and methods of human fitness; Basics of sports anthropology (anthropometry), body type, somatotype; Prerequisites for physical activity of man; Factors limiting physical fitness; Comparison of anthropomotoric research results in the Czech Republic and abroad
6. Sports psychology and its application in contemporary sport, performance, performance, aspiration; Athlete Personality; Working with client and group
7. Diagnostic methods in the field of sciences with focus on physical education and sport
8. Sports and projects in the social setting of physical activities; Strategic concepts in project management in a competitive social environment
9. Topic - search and selection, choice of strategy, structure and design of a professional project, structure of theoretical, theoretical - empirical work.
10-12. Methods of Data Acquisition in Kinanthropology. Data Processing Methods. Interpretation of results in kinanthropology.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Hájek J. Antropomotorika. Praha UK – Pedagogická fakulta, 2001 (CS)
Komeštík, B. Kinantropologie - Antropomotorika - Metodologie. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2006 (CS)
Měkota, K., Cuberek,R. Pohybové dovednosti, činnosti, výkony. 1. vyd. Olomouc: UP v Olomouci, 2007 (CS)
Měkota, K., Novosad,J. Motorické schopnosti. 1.vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2005 (CS)
Slepička, P., Hošek, V. & Hátlová, B. (2006). Psychologie sportu. Praha: Karolinum.
Úvod do pedagogického výzkumu.(2000). Edited by Peter Gavora. Brno: Paido.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme SPC-STC Bachelor's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit