Course detail
Medical Information Systems
FEKT-MPC-MISAcad. year: 2021/2022
The course is oriented to principles of information systems, database systems and query languages. It is focused on getting knowledge about patient data and computerized patient record. It discusses a computer as a component of diagnostic, therapeutic, and administrative systems, hierarchy and function of medical information systems, speciality of ethics and security of medical data in information systmes. It introduces coding systems - mandatory and optional in terms of Czech legislation, connection of medical information systems, and standards used for transmission of medical data and images.
Laboratory exercises are further focused on conversion between numeral systems and ASCII code. Information system called PC Doktor is presented. Students are familiarized with telemedicine project. Laboratory information system is desribed and tested in detail.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- describe basic structures of medical information systems,
- explain fundamental terms of electronic health records,
- describe principle of basic methods for processing of data in information systems,
- discus advantages and disadvantages of the methods,
- work with clinical information system.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
up to 70 points from finel oral exam
The exam is oriented to verification of orientation in terms of medical information systems and ability to define a structure of medical information systems.
Course curriculum
2. Database systems, database models.
3. Computer as a part of diagnostic, therapeutic, and administrative systems.
4. Hospital information systems.
5. Hospital information systems based on a centralized or distributed database.
6. Computerized patient record, medical data.
7. Electronic Health Record - the concept of e-Health.
8. Communication between different information systems, data standards.
9. Principles of construction of hospital information systems.
10. Data security, specifics of ethics in medical information systems.
11. Accounting for health care.
12. Planning systems, call systems.
13. Management information systems.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KASAL, P., SVAČINA, Š. Lékařská informatika. Karolinum, Praha, 1998. (CS)
MUNZ, J. Informační technologie ve zdravotnictví - Informační systémy. ČVUT Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-01-04720-0. (CS)
ŠPUNDA, M., DUŠEK, J. a kol. Zdravotnická informatika. Karolinum, Praha, 2007. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-BTB Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Choice of a correct database, problems of large databases' processing
3. Differencies between various health care information systems
4. Hospital information system, build-up of HIS - one of the most difficult tasks of medical informatics
5. HIS with centralized and with distributed databases
6. Information coding, National Health IS master files (coding lists), medical information coding, nomenclature, WHO coding systems
7. Electronic patient record, alternative free text processing
8. Communication between different IS, data standards, Czech standard for medical data transmission, standard HL-7, standard DICOM
9. General rules of large HIS build-up
10. Data security from various points of view, database backup and archiving
11. Use of Internet for medical informatics, Czech project IZIP, Document Imaging Systems
12. Planning systems, Scheduling, electronic questionaries in medical informatics
13. Management and decission support information systems
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Profesionální nemocniční IS (CLINICOM)
3. Číselníky a komunikační standardy ve zdravotnictví ČR
4. Databázové prostředí MS Access
5. Elektronická zdravotní knížka pacienta IZIP
6. Soundex kód
7. Obrazové a datové standardy
8. Standardy pro přenos dat ve zdravotnických IS – HL-7, DASTA