Course detail
Biomedical Data Visualization
FEKT-MPC-VIZAcad. year: 2021/2022
The course is oriented to knowledge on computer graphics applied to biomedical data. The main focus is visualization of 3D image data acquired using magnetic resonance imaging, CT tomography, PET and SPECT. It is the use of OpenGL methods for basic graphic primitives and creating of 3D scenes. Furthermore, methods for visualization of higher-dimension data are included.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- Describe color spaces in computer graphics
- Describe basic principles of image compression
- Describe principles of 3D scene creation
- Create basic graphic primitives in OpenGL
- Describe light model in 3D scenes
- Describe methods of 3D images creation from volume data (CT, MRI)
- Modify properties of OpenGL rendering
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Up to 70 points in final exam (written)
Final exam is focused on orientation in principles used in computer graphics, methods for rendering using OpenGL and options in scene properties.
Course curriculum
2. Color spaces.
3. Representation of basic 2D objects.
4. Area borders, filling of geometric and raster defined area.
5. Curves – properties, generating, modeling.
6. Planes – properties, generating, modeling.
7. Surface and volume representation of 3D objects.
8. Shadows in computer graphics.
9. Textures and texturing.
10. Projecting methods
11. Reflection models
12. Technical resources for visualization.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ŽÁRA, J., BENEŠ, B., SOCHOR, J., FELKEL, P: Moderní počítačová grafika (2. vydání). Computer Press, 2005, ISBN 80-251-0454-0. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-BTB Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Representation of elementary 2D objects: piecewise linear, circular and elliptical objects, interpolation and approximation of curves, region objects.
3. 3D object surface representation I: polygon representation, parametric surface representation (Bezier surfaces, B-spline surfaces).
4. 3D object surface representation II: set of outlines in parallel planes, implicit surfaces.
5. Representation of 3D objects: border representation, sweeping, octrees, constructive solid geometry.
6. Transformation of 3D image data to surface representation: methods of marching cubes, marching tetrahedra, dividing cubes.
7. Basics of visualization of 3D data: parallel and perspective projection, viewing transformations, theory of light.
8. Illumination models for surface rendering: diffuse scattering and reflection components of light, physical and empirical models.
9. Illumination models for volume rendering: methods of ray casting, formulation of light absorption, scattering and reflection on various levels of complexity.
10. Models of light sources and shading: point, surface, parallel, reflector, skye light sources; constant, Gouraud and Phong shading.
11. Virtual reality: stereoscopic view generation, DESCRIPTION of VRML language for modeling of virtual reality.
12. Methods for visualization of higher-dimension data for classification based on feature description.
13. Hardware means for visualization: hardware means for acceleration of graphical computing, technology of displays and 3D visualization systems.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Representation of elementary 2D objects - implementation of interpolation and approximation curves (Matlab).
3. Polygon representation of surface of a simple 3D object (Matlab).
4. Parametric representation of surface of a simple 3D object (Matlab).
5. Transformation of 3D image data to surface representation using marching cubes method, application to real data (Matlab, VTK).
6. Practical test 1.
7. Implementation of a simple illumination model for surface rendering (Matlab).
8. Comparison of illumination models for surface rendering (VTK Designer)
9. Implementation of a simple illumination model for volume rendering (Matlab).
10. Comparison of illumination models for volume rendering (VTK Designer)
11. Experimental acquisition of stereoscopic scenes, visualization using anaglyphs and active 3D glasses.
12. Calibration and quality measurement of LCD displays used in radiology.
13. Practical test 2.