Course detail

Services of Communication Systems

FEKT-MPC-SKSAcad. year: 2021/2022

The course deals with services provided by current telecommunication systems. Students obtain essential knowledge of technologies that are used all the time even if not preferably, i.e. ISDN services and Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM). Emphasis is however on current technologies such as xDSL (ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, and VDSL) and on modern transmission connected to the SS7signalling system. Students will significantly deepen their knowledge of Internet protocol version 6 following up on IPv4 and focusing on Quality of Service QoS. They will obtain further information on IP/ATM integration and on LAN emulation. They will also be made familiar with priority control in network elements and with services over power network and cable TV.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

On completing the course, students will be able to:
- analyse services provided by contemporary communication networks,
- theoretically analyse the technologies related to xDSL services,
- justify the contemporary state of ISDN usage,
- sum up the features of ISDN,
- compare ATM and other possibilities of high-speed transmission
- explore the creation of ATM cells in relation to services,
- design signalling by means of SS7,
- categorize the Quality of service, QoS,
- explore the potentials of IPv6 in QoS assurance,
- compare the possibilities of routing in network elements,
- plan LAN emulation,
- judge services transmitted over a power network and cable TV,
- practice the MySQL environment,
- configure the Jabber server,
- estimate network safety.


Student who enrol on this course should to be able to: - explain the basic terms of converged communication networks, - define the features of Ethernet-type networks, - name the principles of IPv4, - express the features of multimedia services, - apply the knowledge of obligatory subjects Theoretic Informatics. The subject knowledge on the Bachelor degree level is generally required.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods include lectures, practical laboratories and computer laboratories. The part of this course is a project and a presentation of results in power point. Course is taking advantage of e-learning (Moodle) system.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

0-5 points – for activity in laboratory,
0-5 points – for activity in computer exercises,
0-20 points – for elaboration of an individual project of MySQL database design,
0-70 points – for written exam with e-learning support, compulsory part for the completion of the course.
The exam is focused on verifying the orientation in the services of communication networks with focus on Quality of Service, IPv6 and control of network elements.

Course curriculum

1. Services provided by modern communication systems.

2. Technologies related to xDSL services (ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, VDSL) including theoretical analysis.

3. ISDN services. Basic and primary approach, reference model of ISDN subscriber connection, frame structure on S0 interface, power supply of terminals.

4. Asynchronous transport mode ATM. ATM principle, service classes, ATM cell and layer model.

5. SS7 signaling system. SS7 properties, signaling network, SS7 construction, MTP message transmission part, user parts, network routing dynamics, SS7 management.

6. Internet protocol version 6, connection to IPv4.

7. Quality of QoS services.

8. IP and ATM, communication principles.

9. Passive optical networks network topology and method of communication.

10. Development of passive optical networks and their differences from the point of view of physical and transmission layer.

11. Activation process of the end unit in the GPON network.

12. Use of integer programming in current networks, network as a graph, load distribution from the point of view of transmission price.

13. IP transmission Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), CWDM, DWDM, TDM versus WDM, Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA).

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim of this course is to give students extensive orientation in services of communication systems, offer a summary of IPv6 with a view to Quality of Service, and analyse priority routing in network elements.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance at laboratories is compulsory, justified absence can be made up after prior arrangement with the instructor.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

ŠKORPIL, V., VYCHODIL, P., KAPOUN, V. Efektivní využití přenosu informací pro integrovanou výuku VUT a VŠB-TUO, Brno 2015 (CS)
ŠKORPIL,V.: Služby telekomunikačních sítí. VUT, Brno 2014. (CS)

Recommended reading

BLACK, V.: Voice over IP. Prentice Hall, London 2002. (EN)
FARLAND, S., SAMBI, M., SHARMA, N., HOODA, S. IPv6, kompl. průvodce nasaz. v podnik. sítích. Computer Press, Brno 2011. ISBN 978-8025136843. (CS)
FARMER, J., LANE, B., BOURG, K., WANG, W. FTTx Networks, Technology Implementation and Operation. Morgan Kaufmann Elsevier, 2016. ISBN 978-0-12-420137-8. (CS)
KLČOVÁ, H., SODOMKA, P. Informační systémy v podnikové praxi, 2. vydání. Computer Press, Brno 2011. ISBN 978-8025128787. (CS)
ODOM,W., HEALY,R., MEHTA,N. Směrování a přepínání sítí. CPress, Brno 2009. (CS)


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MPC-IBE Master's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
  • Programme MPC-TIT Master's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Services provided by current telecommunication networks.
2. Technology connecting with services xDSL (ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, VDSL) including theoretical analysis.
3. Services ISDN. Basic at Primary Access, reference model of subscriber connection ISDN, frame structure at interface S0, terminal power supply.
4. Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM. ATM principle, services classes, ATM cells, layer model.
5. Signalling system SS7. SS7 features, signalling network, SS7 building, Massage Transfer Part MTP, user parts, dynamic network routing, management SS7.
6. Internet protocol version 6, IPv4 relationship. Quality of service QoS.
7. MPLS - Multi Protocol Label Switching- networks used at backbone networks, reasons for MPLS creating with quality of service respect.
8. MPLS network structure, routing principle at MPLS. IP and ATM, communication principles.
9. Basic principles of active network elements functions - router, switch and their services in the network.
10. Layer 3 switching, peer-to-peer multilayer mapping, integration ATM/IP, -non-connection oriented service, classical IP over ATM (CLIP) and next developing.
11. LAN Emulation, private network - to - network interface (PNNI).
12. Artificial intelligence for priority controlling at network networks.
13. Data transmission and with it related services over energetic network and cable TV.

Laboratory exercise

39 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1 Packets absorption by analyzer
2. Videoconference in LAN and over MBONE
3. ARP protocol
4. WLAN broadband router configuration at 2,4 GHz
5. VoIP setting
