Course detail
General Navigation
FSI-DLGAcad. year: 2021/2022
The subject reflects JAA EASA FCL-1, 061, General Navigation requirements for professional traffic pilots. It embodies principles of navigation, Solar system parameters, Earth´s magnetism, magnetic compasses, aeronautical charts, chart projections, dead reckoning, pressure navigation, and inertial navigation. Students will be fully acquainted with aeronautical charts, pilot computers as well as with flight planning and flight navigation procedures.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KULČÁK a kol.: Učebnice pilota vrtulníku II, CERM ISBN 978-80-7204-638-6, Brno 2009. (CS)
KULČÁK, L., STAVOVČÍK, B.: Obecná navigace, učební texty pro teoretickou přípravu dopravních pilotů dle předpisu JAR-FCL-1, CERM, s.r.o., Brno, 2008 (CS)
Recommended reading
KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ: Učebnice pilota, ISBN – 80 – 85280 – 89 – 2, Svět křídel, Cheb, 2003. (CS)
PŘIBYL,K., KEVICKÝ,D.: Letecká navigace, NADAS PRAHA, 1980. (CS)
VOSECKÝ, S. a kol.: Základy leteckých navigačních zařízení I a II, učebnice Univerzity obrany, Brno 1988. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme B-PRP-P Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Time. Directions. Distances.
3. Earth´s magnetism. Magnetic compasses with direct & indirect indication.
4. Maps and charts in air navigation (topografic charts, aeronautic charts of different purposes).
5. Earth´s surface projections – Mercator´s projections.
6. Earth´s surface projections - polar steographic projection. Gridded charts.
7. Earth´s surface projections - Lambert´s projection.
8. Plotting of airways on charts of different projections.
9. Navigation Computations.
10.Pressure navigation.
11.Structure of the FMS.
12.Structures of the INS/IRS.
13.A reserve - consultations, exercises, preparation for a credit test.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. How to use the Earth magnetism for air navigation purposes. Aircraft magnetism.
3. Airborne magnetic compasses with direct and indirect indication.
4. Topographic charts in air navigation.
5. Mercator´s projections - properties of the charts.
6. Polar stereographic and gridded chart´s properties.
7. Lambert´s chart properties.
8. Exercise - air track computations.
9. Dead reckoning computations - the vector triangle.
10.Flight navigation - selected problems.
11.FMS - pre-flight preparation.
12.INS/IRS - operational possibilities.
13.The course-unit test.