Course detail
Aeronautical On-Board Instruments
FSI-DLLAcad. year: 2021/2022
The course is concerned with flight and gyroscopic instruments, selected navigation instruments, power plant and system monitoring instruments, automatic flight control system, warning and annunciating system, displays system, flight management system and recording equipment (flight data recorder and cockpit recorder). The curriculum of the course is elaborated on the base of JAR-FCL for ATPL.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Theoretical Knowledge Manual for ATPL(A): Aircraft General Knowledge 4 (022), 2.ed., Oxford Aviation Service, 2001, ISBN 0-88487-285-8. (EN)
Recommended reading
Kulčák a kol: Učební text pro teoretickou přípravu dopravních pilotů ATPL(A) dle předpisu JAR-FCL 1 Pro předmět 022 00, ISBN 80-7204-445-1. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme B-PRP-P Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Air data instruments: Altimeter, air speed indicator.
3. Air data instruments: Machmeter, vertical speed indicator. Air data computer (ADC).
4. Gyro - theory, types, turn and back indicator, vertical gyro/artificial horizon
5. Gyro stabilized platform, accelerometer, inercial navigation systems.
6. Directional gyro. Magnetic and gyro-induction compass. Radioaltimeter.
7. Electronic flight instrument systems (EFIS).
8. Automatic flight control systems - FMS, flight director (FD).
9. Automatic flight control systems - autopilot, envelope protection, yaw damper.
10. Automatic flight control systems - automatic trim, thrust control computer, auto-thrust/autothrottle.
11. Recording, warning and annunciation equipment - GPWS, TCAS, overspeed, stall warnig.
12. Recording, warning and annunciation equipment - flight data recorder, cockpit voice recorder.
13. Engine and on-board equipment display system.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Air data instruments: Altimeter, air speed indicator.
3. Air data instruments: Machmeter, vertical speed indicator. Air data computer (ADC).
4. Gyro - theory, types, turn and back indicator, vertical gyro/artificial horizon
5. Gyro stabilized platform, accelerometer, inercial navigation systems.
6. Directional gyro. Magnetic and gyro-induction compass. Radioaltimeter.
7. Electronic flight instrument systems (EFIS).
8. Automatic flight control systems - FMS, flight director (FD).
9. Automatic flight control systems - autopilot, envelope protection, yaw damper.
10. Automatic flight control systems - automatic trim, thrust control computer, auto-thrust/autothrottle.
11. Recording, warning and annunciation equipment - GPWS, TCAS, overspeed, stall warnig.
12. Recording, warning and annunciation equipment - flight data recorder, cockpit voice recorder.
13. Engine and on-board equipment display system.