Course detail
Modeling and Simulation
FEKT-BPC-MODAcad. year: 2023/2024
Model, modeling, simulation, emulation. Models of dynamical systems. Numerical methods for solution of continuous-time dynamical systems. Lagrange equations for modeling of dynamical systems. Bond graphs. MATLAB-Simulink as a tool of control engineer. Discrete events systems.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
The subject knowledge on the secondary school level is required.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Work of students is evaluated during study by tests in exercises and one control test. They can obtain maximum 30 points by these tests during semester.
Final examination is evaluated by 70 points at maximum.
Conditions for awarding the course-unit credit:
1. Active participation in exercises
2. Minimum of 10 points awarded for tests at exercises
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
Final examination is evaluated by 70 points at maximum.
Conditions for awarding the course-unit credit:
1. Active participation in exercises
2. Minimum of 10 points awarded for tests at exercises
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
To develop the students understanding of abstract models of real systems. To introduce methods of simulation of dynamical systems.
The student can
- build abstract models of dynamical systems from various physical areas in a systematic way
- make simulation and analysis of such models by help of MATLAB-Simulik software package
- normalize models to be used on microprocessors
- linearize nonlinear systems models
- design basic models of discrete event systems
The student can
- build abstract models of dynamical systems from various physical areas in a systematic way
- make simulation and analysis of such models by help of MATLAB-Simulik software package
- normalize models to be used on microprocessors
- linearize nonlinear systems models
- design basic models of discrete event systems
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
Šolc, F., Václavek, P.: Modelování a simulace, ET VUT FEKT Brno (CS)
Recommended reading
Horáček, P.:Systémy a modely,
ČVUT Praha, 1998. (CS)
Karnopp D.C., Margolis D.L., Rosenberg R.C.:System Dynamics a Unified Approach. J. Wiley,1990. (EN)
MATLAB-Simulink Reference manual. (EN)
Karnopp D.C., Margolis D.L., Rosenberg R.C.:System Dynamics a Unified Approach. J. Wiley,1990. (EN)
MATLAB-Simulink Reference manual. (EN)
eLearning: currently opened course
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BPC-AMT Bachelor's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
26 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1 Basic concepts. Relation between abstract and real system. State space description of systems. Linearization. Relation between state space models and I/O models.
2 Analogue models, operational amplifiers, scaling.
3 Matlab – Simulink, numerical solution of differential equations.
4 Models of simple mechanical systems.
5 Models of simple mechanical systems. Free bodies method, Lagrange equations.
6 Bond graphs, basic concepts.
7 Bond graphs - models of simple electrical systems.
8 Causality conflict, algebraic loops.
9 Modeling of mechanical systems with help of bond graphs.
10 Random events modeling.
11 Discrete events systems simulation.
12 Modeling of thermal and hydraulic systems.
13 Summary.
2 Analogue models, operational amplifiers, scaling.
3 Matlab – Simulink, numerical solution of differential equations.
4 Models of simple mechanical systems.
5 Models of simple mechanical systems. Free bodies method, Lagrange equations.
6 Bond graphs, basic concepts.
7 Bond graphs - models of simple electrical systems.
8 Causality conflict, algebraic loops.
9 Modeling of mechanical systems with help of bond graphs.
10 Random events modeling.
11 Discrete events systems simulation.
12 Modeling of thermal and hydraulic systems.
13 Summary.
Fundamentals seminar
14 hod., compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1 State space and I/O models of systems
2 Scaling and numerical methods
3 Mechanical systems models
4 Bond graphs – electrical systems
5 Bond graphs – mechanical systems
6 Discrete event systems
7 Summary
2 Scaling and numerical methods
3 Mechanical systems models
4 Bond graphs – electrical systems
5 Bond graphs – mechanical systems
6 Discrete event systems
7 Summary
Exercise in computer lab
12 hod., compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1 Matlab Simulink 1
2 Matlab Simulink 2
3 Matlab Simulink 3
4 Matlab Simulink 4
5 Discrete event systems – Witness 1
6 Discrete event systems – Witness 2
2 Matlab Simulink 2
3 Matlab Simulink 3
4 Matlab Simulink 4
5 Discrete event systems – Witness 1
6 Discrete event systems – Witness 2
eLearning: currently opened course