Course detail

Design Systems and Electronic Circuits Practice

FEKT-BPC-PNEAcad. year: 2023/2024

In this course, students will learn how to work with the MicroCap circuit simulator and become familiar with some of the more advanced types of analysis and functions of the program, such as mathematical analysis of signals (e.g. FFT) and advanced graphical output functions of the program. They will also learn how to use the Eagle system for PCB design. In practical laboratory classes, students will learn how to solder THT and SMT components, assemble PCBs professionally fabricated to their own design, and learn electronic circuit debugging methodology. They will then measure the parameters of the device and compare them with the parameters of the simulated design. From the 6th week of the semester onwards, practical laboratory classes take place. It includes three laboratory tasks as well as the design, simulation and construction of a simple electronic device. 

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

To successfully complete the subject, the students are required to:
- possess good command of the topics discussed within Electrical Engineering 1 and 2
- have working knowledge of Windows

Work in the laboratory is subject to a valid "instructed person" qualification, which students must obtain before starting the course. Information on this qualification is provided in the Dean's Guideline on Student Familiarity with Safety Regulations. 


Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

The course is finished by a credit test, which consists of design and simulation of a simple analog circuit according to the assignment.


The aim of the course is to complement the theoretical knowledge from the BPC-NEO course with practical experience in the design and implementation of analogue electronic circuits. The intention of the exercise is to introduce students to computer aided design of electronic circuits from circuit design through simulation to PCB design and production documentation. In the hands-on lab sessions, students will learn soldering, PCB assembly and learn the methodology of electronic circuit debugging.
Graduate of the course: will:
- gain a deeper understanding of circuit simulators including advanced types of analysis.
- be able to work with the MicroCap simulation program and the Eagle PCB design program
- gain practical skills in mounting and soldering SMT and THT components on PCBs. 


Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Basic literature

Boušek J., Kosina P., Mojrová B. Elektronické součástky. BRNO: VUT v Brně, 2015.
LINEAR TECHNOLOGY: Analog Circuit Design - A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions. Linear Technology, 2011. ISBN 9780123851857 (EN)
VRBA, K. Konstrukce elektronických zařízení. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2013. s. 1-251. ISBN: 978-80-214-4719- 6.

Recommended reading

Not applicable.


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPC-AMT Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme BPC-TLI Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
  • Programme BPC-SEE Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
  • Programme BPC-MET Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
  • Programme BPC-ECT Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective

  • Programme BPC-AUD Bachelor's

    specialization AUDB-TECH , 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
    specialization AUDB-ZVUK , 0 year of study, winter semester, elective

Type of course unit


Exercise in computer lab

26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


MicroCap - circuit simulator
Advanced analysis types and functions of the Microcap simulator
EAGLE design system 1/2
EAGLE design system 2/2
Rectifiers and power filters. Overvoltage protection when switching inductive loads.
Transistor as amplifier and switch
Simple circuit design, simulation and optimization in MicroCap
Practical PCB design in Eagle
PCB assembly. Soldering
Circuits with operational amplifiers
Switching power supplies
Case studies of interesting circuits 

Laboratory exercise

8 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Organisational instructions, rules of work in the laboratory
Soldering practice
Measurement of laboratory tasks
- Bipolar transistor NPN
- Unipolar transistor JFET
- Operational amplifier
Assembly of a mixed technology circuit
Circuit finalization, parameter verification and evaluation 
