Course detail

Laboratory Classes of Environmental Sampling

FCH-BC_ZVE_PAcad. year: 2022/2023

The content of the subject is the realization of practical sampling of all matrices in the environment. Students will be familiar with the entire sampling process; from the preparation of samplers and samplers, through own field sampling to finishing the samples taken before the analysis. In addition to classical water and soil sampling, some passive samplers suitable for water and air sampling will be used for sampling.
Then the students will be acquainted with basic physical and chemical indicators of drinking water quality, assessment of measured parameters with valid legislation (pH, organoleptic properties, basic chemical indicators). An analysis of various types of water - surface water, groundwater, mineral water and waste water will be carried out. Inorganic and organic substances present in water will be determined. Assesment will use the basic instrumental methods and methods of mobile analytics.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Passing the course will increase students' competencies as follows:

1. Obtaining knowledge about the correct processing of Standard Operating Procedures for Sampling.
2. Obtaining practical experience from sampling environmental matrices, especially water, sediment, soil, air.
3. They will acquire basic practical knowledge about analytical water chemistry needed for other related subjects such as water technology, special water technology, etc.
4. They will be practically oriented in selected analytical techniques and procedures.
5. Practically verify the application of the ČSN standards and work with them.
6. Students will manage all the necessary calculations and will control the evaluation of the analytical results obtained by the individual analyzes.


Theoretical and practical knowledge of analytical chemistry.
Knowledge of basic calculations in analytical chemistry.
Knowledge of evaluation and processing of analytical data.
Basic knowledge of environmental sampling.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Learning outcomes of the course unit: Laboratory exercise - 4 lessons per week. The LMS Moodle e-learning system is available to lecturers and students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

During the practical exercises the students' knowledge will be checked in the form of control questions from the teacher. Protocols for individual exercises will then be developed. Protocols will be reviewed. Overall assessment will take into account the student's access during the exercise and also the quality of the elaboration of partial protocols. At the end of the course, students will pass a credit test, which must be at least 50%.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to practice, safety of work, methodology of work in analytical laboratory.
2. Sampling of soil, using mobile analytics for soil analysis.
2. Sampling of surface water (floor, flowing water), sampling using passive samplers for water.
3. Sampling using passive samplers for pollutants in the air.
4. Determination of organoleptic properties in different water types, measurement of physical parameters (pH, conductivity, hardness, alkalinity and acidity).
5. Determination of BOD, Determination of COD (COD Mn, COD Cr).
6. Measurement of absorbance and absorption spectra, measurement of turbidity.
7. Determination of the color of surface water containing humic substances.
8. Spectrophotometric determination of basic cations in water (iron, manganese, aluminum, ammonium ions).
9. Spectrophotometric determination of basic anions in water (nitrates, nitrates, phosphates, chlorides, fluorides).
10. Determination of alkaline earth metals by emission flame spectrometry.
11. Determination of risk elements in waters.
12. Practical use of screening methods of mobile analytics.
13. Analysis of own unknown sample of drinking or surface water.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim of the subject is:
- to acquaint students with selected analytical methods used in practice in water analysis
- to create the basis for successful mastering of courses in the field of chemistry and water technology in the follow-up Master's study.
- provide them with the knowledge base needed to practice in the field of hydrochemistry and water analysis
- Practical acquaintance with the whole process of selecting sample samplers for sampling different matrices (water, soil, air) from the environment.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Processing of protocols for the given tasks, verifying knowledge during the practice, analyzing the water sample, evaluating the results of the analyzes with respect to the valid legislation. Requirements for each practice will be published on e-learning.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Basic literature

ČSN normy: (CS)
GRUIJTER J., KOSTECKI P., DRAGUN J. Sampling for natural resource monitoring. 4th ed., International student version. New York: Springer, c2006. (CS)
Horáková M. a kol. : Analytika vody, VŠCHT, Praha 2007 (CS)
Horálek V., Ševčík. G. K., Čurdová E., Helán V.: Vzorkování I: obecné zásady. 1. vydání Český Těšín, 2 THETA, 2010. (CS)
Koplík R., Poláková Š., Šrámek I., Šviráková E.: Vzorkování III: potraviny, zemědělství, předměty běžného užívání. 1. vydání Český Těšín. 2 THETA, 2016 (CS)
Kotlík B., Langhans J., Bernáth P., Kraják V.: Vzorkování II: životní prostředí. 1.vydání Český Těšín, 2THETA, 2016. (CS)
Pitter, P. : Hydrochemie, VŠCHT, Praha 2009 (CS)
ZHANG Ch. Fundamentals of environmental sampling and analysis. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Interscience, c2007. (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPCP_CHCHT Bachelor's

    branch BPCO_CHTOZP , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional

  • Programme BKCP_CHCHT Bachelor's

    branch BKCO_CHTOZP , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit


Special lab

52 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer