Course detail
Railway Structures 2
FAST-BN002Acad. year: 2022/2023
Subdivision and construction of rail substructure and its construction layers – basic terms. Ballast bed and formation – bearing capacity, stress distribution, types and design of railway substructure, construction layers.
Construction and shape of earth formation, earth formation drainage, diagnostic methods and assessment, failures and repair works. Earth formation – embankments, cuttings and combinations, earth formation slope and its protection
Geological and geophysical prospecting, repairing works, diagnostic methods, improving of bearing capacity and stability of railway earth formation
Railway superstructure, structure development, rails, rail joints, sleepers, ballast bed, rail fastening systems.
Construction of continuous welded rail, rail welding methods, continuous welded rail maintenance.
Switches and crossing, types, turnout parts. Terms, geometry of set of switches and common crossings. Manufactured types and notation.
The single turnout, stock rail, switch rail (blade), common and crossings, sleepers, fastenings systems. Operating and locking systems. Crossings and slip points.
Turnout collections. Cross overs, connection of parallel track.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Strength and elasticity of materials, basic principles of structural mechanics.
Railway track design and subdivision and construction of rail substructure and its construction layers
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Design of construction layers in compliance with SŽDC S4 regulation, DORNII method, protection against frost.
3. Geosynthetics. Improved and stabilized soils. Earth formation.
4. Earth formation slope and its stability. Protection of embankments and cuts. Earth formation drainage.
5. Diagnostic methods and assessment, failures and repair works.
6. Railway superstructure, structure development, rails.
8. Assembly of rail joints. Sleepers.
9. Construction of continuous welded rail, rail welding methods. Continuous welded rail maintenance.
10. Rail fastening systems.
11. Switches and crossing, types, turnout parts. Terms, geometry of set of switches and common crossings. Manufactured types and notation.
12. The single turnout, stock rail, switch rail (blade), common and crossings, sleepers, fastenings systems. Operating and locking systems. Crossings and slip points.
13. Turnout collections. Cross overs, connection of parallel track.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
IŽVOLT, Libor a Stanislav HODÁS. Projektovanie, stavba, rekonštrukcia a modernizácia železničných tratí a staníc. Žilina: EDIS, 2020. ISBN 978-80-554-1703-5. (SK)
IŽVOLT, Libor. Železničný spodok: namáhanie, diagnostika, navrhovanie a realizácia konštrukčných vrstiev telesa železničného spodku. V Žiline: Žilinská univerzita, 2008. ISBN 978-808-0708-023. (SK)
PLÁŠEK, Otto, Pavel ZVĚŘINA, Richard SVOBODA a Milan MOCKOVČIAK. Železniční stavby: Železniční spodek a svršek. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2004. ISBN 80-214-2621-7. (CS)
SŽDC S3. Železniční svršek. Správa železniční dopravní cesty, státní organizace: Odbor traťového hospodářství Dlážděná 1003/7 110 00 Praha 1, 2019. (CS)
SŽDC S3/2. Bezstyková kolej. Správa železniční dopravní cesty: Odbor traťového hospodářství Dlážděná 1003/7 110 00 Praha 1, 2013. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer