Course detail
Watermanagement Concrete Structures
FAST-BL004Acad. year: 2022/2023
Types of concrete structures of water-service buildings. Monolithic framed structures. Supporting framed structures of storage tanks for liquids and water towers. Foundation structures – footings, continuous footings, grid and mat foundations, deep foundations.
Two-ways slabs – edge and locally supported (flat-slab floor, lifted slabs). Two-way ribbed and cassette plates. Circular plates. Simple and continuous wall beams. Walls with/without stiffening elements. Retaining walls.
Storage structures (bunkers and silos). Storage tanks for liquids, water towers, channels and ducts. Shells, domes and arches.
Application of precast structures. Basic theory of prestressed concrete. Principles of masonry structure design.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
• Knowledge of the principles of static solution of concrete structures and constructions.
• Virtue for designing principal types of structures of building construction and civil engineering together with the ability of preparing relevant technical drawings.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
3.-4. Foundation structures – footings, continuous footings, grids, slabs, deep foundations.
5. Two-way slabs – edge supported.
6. Two-way slabs locally supported (flat-slabs, slabs with enlarged column head). Circular plates.
7. Simple and continuous wall beams. Walls with/without stiffening elements. Retaining walls.
8. Principles of design and reinforcing of storage structures (bunkers and silos). Rectangular and rotary symmetric tanks and water reservoirs.
9. Problems of water-service structures cracking.
10. Water-service structures – troughs, weirs.
11. Water-service structures – channels and ducts.
12. Design and application of shells, domes and arches.
13. Principles of design and application of precast structures. Basic theory of prestressed concrete. Principles of masonry structures design.
Work placements
To gain ability for design of the principal types of structures of building construction and civil engineering together with preparing relevant technical drawings.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Zich, M., Bažant, Z. Montované betonové konstrukce. Nakladatelství CERM, Brno, 2018. (CS)
Zich M, Bažant Z. Plošné betonové konstrukce, nádrže a zásobníky, nakladatelství CERM,, Brno 2010 (CS)
Zich M., Klusáček L., Sečkář M., Laníková I.: Vodohospodářské betonové konstrukce. Modul CW1 a CW2 (studijní opora v elektronické podobě), VUT Brno 2005, revize 2013. (CS)
Zich M., Koláček J., Vodohospodářské betonové konstrukce. Modul CW3 a CW4 (studijní opora v elektronické podobě), VUT Brno 2012 (CS)
Zich M., Strnad J., Slánský B., Vodohospodářské betonové konstrukce. Modul CW5 (studijní opora), ISBN 978-80-214-5031-8, VUT Brno 2014 (CS)
Recommended reading
Zich M, kol. Příklady posouzení betonových prvků dle Eurokódů, (, Praha 2010), ISBN 978-80-86897-38-7 (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer