Course detail

Mapping II

FAST-GE11Acad. year: 2022/2023

Renewal of cadastre documentation, method of graphical representation building in file of geodetic information, creation of digital cadastral map
Revision, building and maintenance of net densification points and minor horizontal geodetic control
History of mapping and cadastre in the Czech Republic, impact on the current status, quality of maps, the existence of the numerical records
Production of national map 1:5000

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Geodesy (GED)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Student gets an overview of the present and the history of cadastral mapping and renewal of cadastre documentation.
Student manages activities in the large-scale mapping elements of digital cadastral map and processing.


Handling with total station and other geodetic instruments, coordinate computations in geodetic software, work with MicroStation environment including geodetic extensions.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not applicable.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Not applicable.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to renewal of cadastre documentation, definition of key terms, an overview of related regulations.
2. Renewal of cadastre documentation by new cadastral mapping.
3. Renewal of cadastre documentation by new cadastral mapping. Method of graphical representation building in file of geodetic information (buildings and bridges).
4. Creation of digital cadastral map, structure, content, data exchange format.
5. Building and maintenance of net densification points, building, revision and complement of minor horizontal geodetic control.
6. History of mapping in the Czech Republic until 1880. Overview of the history of real estate cadastre until 1817, stable cadastre (1817–1869).
7. Instruction from 1885, revision survey (1869–1882), registration of revised cadastre (1883), instruction from 1887, instruction from 1904, instruction from 1907, maps of stable cadastre in the Hlučín. Impact on the current status, quality of maps, the existence of the numerical records.
8. Cadastral mapping from 1927 to 1955 – Instruction A, Instruction B. Influence and importance for the current mapping.
9. Post-war situation, creation SMH-5 and SMO-5, 1955 - a one-time inventory of land, uniform land registry (1956-1964), real estate registry (1964-1992), technic-economical mapping (1961-1969), technic-economical mapping (1969-1981), national map 1:5000, continuous maps.
10. large-scale base map, data base of large-scale base map, establishment of accuracy classes. Recapitulation, consultation, information on the content of the written and verbal parts of exam.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Get an overview of the present and the history of cadastral mapping and renewal of cadastre documentation. Gain practical skills in the large-scale mapping elements of digital cadastral map.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

ČSN 01 3411. Mapy velkých měřítek: Kreslení a značky. Praha: Vydavatelství norem, 1990. (CS)
Vyhláška Č. 31/1995 Sb.. ČÚZK Praha, 1995. (CS)
Struktura a výměnný formát digitální katastrální mapy, katastrální mapy digitalizované a souboru popisných informací KN ČR a digitálních dat BPEJ. ČÚZK Praha, 1999. [] (CS)
Návod pro vedení a správu katastru nemovitostí.. ČÚZK Praha, 2001. [] (CS)
Fišer, Vondrák: Mapování II. CERM Brno, 2004. ISBN 80-214-2669-1. (CS)
Fišer, Vondrák: Mapování. CERM Brno s. r. o., 2. vydání, 2006. ISBN 80-7204-472-9. (CS)
HUML, Milan a Jaroslav MICHAL: Mapování 10. Nakladatelství ČVUT, 2006. ISBN 978-80-01-03166-7. (CS)
Prozatímní návod pro vedení katastrální mapy. ČÚZK Praha, 2007. [] (CS)
Kolektiv: Vyhláška 26/2007 Sb.. ČÚZK Praha, 2007. (CS)
Návod pro obnovu katastrálního operátu a převod: v platném znění. ČÚZK Praha, 2007. (CS)
Struktura výměnného formátu informačního systému katastru nemovitostí České republiky (platné znění). ČÚZK Praha, 2012. [] (CS)

Recommended reading

Maršíková M., Maršík Z.: Dějiny zeměměřictví a pozemkových úprav v Čechách a na Moravě v kontextu světového vývoje. Libri s. r. o. Praha, 2007. ISBN 978–80–7277–318–3. (CS)
Foral J., Kalvoda P., Kratochvíl R., Šváb T., Vondrák J.: Geodetická příručka, část II, výpočty, mapy, katastr nemovitostí, fotogrammetrie, GPS. Ing. Šváb Tomáš - GEFIS, Karafiátova 1313, Valašské Meziříčí, 2008. (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme B-P-C-GK Bachelor's

    branch GI , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

  • Programme B-K-C-GK Bachelor's

    branch GI , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to renewal of cadastre documentation, definition of key terms, an overview of related regulations. 2. Renewal of cadastre documentation by new cadastral mapping. 3. Renewal of cadastre documentation by new cadastral mapping. Method of graphical representation building in file of geodetic information (buildings and bridges). 4. Creation of digital cadastral map, structure, content, data exchange format. 5. Building and maintenance of net densification points, building, revision and complement of minor horizontal geodetic control. 6. History of mapping in the Czech Republic until 1880. Overview of the history of real estate cadastre until 1817, stable cadastre (1817–1869). 7. Instruction from 1885, revision survey (1869–1882), registration of revised cadastre (1883), instruction from 1887, instruction from 1904, instruction from 1907, maps of stable cadastre in the Hlučín. Impact on the current status, quality of maps, the existence of the numerical records. 8. Cadastral mapping from 1927 to 1955 – Instruction A, Instruction B. Influence and importance for the current mapping. 9. Post-war situation, creation SMH-5 and SMO-5, 1955 - a one-time inventory of land, uniform land registry (1956-1964), real estate registry (1964-1992), technic-economical mapping (1961-1969), technic-economical mapping (1969-1981), national map 1:5000, continuous maps. 10. large-scale base map, data base of large-scale base map, establishment of accuracy classes. Recapitulation, consultation, information on the content of the written and verbal parts of exam.


39 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Introduction, large scale map layout in the Czech Republic Renewal of cadastre documentation by new cadastral mapping - sketch of adjudication of boundaries, survey sketch, field book - 2 weeks Planimetric survey - 5 weeks Consultation, completion of programs Credit