Course detail
Masonry Structures (K)
FAST-BL007Acad. year: 2022/2023
History, types and trends of development of masonry structures and their design. Materials for masonry structures. Strength and deformation of masonry. Analyses of buckling and eccentricity effects.
Single-layer non-reinforced walls and piers. Ultimate limit states. Analyses of the basic loads masonry structures. Serviceability limit states.
Structural systems of masonry constructions. Masonry arches. Design of horizontal structures from shaped masonry bricks.
Design of wall ceramic blocks. Reinforced and prestressed masonry. Folded walls. Specific problems of engineering and bridging masonry structures.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
• Virtue for designing masonry structures, setting up their mathematical models, elaborating static calculation and technical drawings according to the valid recommendation and standards.
• The ability to control the correct technological methods at masony structures constructing.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Strength and deformation properties of masonry. Buckling influence.
3. Load-bearing capacity of masonry elements axially or unaxially compressed.
4. Load-bearing capacity of masonry elements stressed by flexure, shear, tension or concentrated pressure.
5. Limit state of cracks opening. Limit state of deformation.
6. General principles for the design of masonry structures. Statical analysis of hall masonry structures.
7. Statical analysis of multi-storey masonry buildings with flexible and rigid horizontal structures.
8. Statical analysis of masonry arches.
9. Horizontal structures of hollow clay blocks. Solution of composite elements formed of beams and shaped blocks.
10. Design of vertical ceramic elements.
11. Reinforced, grip and prestressed masonry. Folded walls.
12. Specific problems of engineering and bridge masonry structures.
Work placements
To control the correct technology at constructing the masonry structures.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KOŠATKA, Pavel, LORENZ, Karel a VAŠKOVÁ, Jitka. Zděné konstrukce 1. Praha: ČVUT, 2006. ISBN 80-01-03463-1. (CS)
McKENZIE, W. M. C. Design of Structural Masonry. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001. ISBN 0333792378. (EN)
Recommended reading
LORENZ, Karel. Zděné konstrukce. Praha: ČVUT, 1996. ISBN 80-01-00718-9. (CS)
ROBERTS, John J., TOVEY, Alan K. a FRIED, Anton. Concrete Masonry Designer´s Handbook. London: Spon Press, 2001. ISBN 0-419-19440-1. (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer