Course detail
Metal Bridges 1
FAST-BO009Acad. year: 2022/2023
Basic concept and bridge terminology. Standards for structural design and construction of steel bridges.
Load of bridge structures. Basis of design of metal bridges. Bridge superstructure and deck – road and railway bridges.
Steel girder bridges – bridges with web-plate main girders, bridges with truss main girders.
Composite steel-concrete bridges – basic information.
Spatial rigidity and global stability of steel bridges. Bridge equipments and fittings.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Load of bridge structures - traffic load of road and railway bridges, climatic loading. Fatigue of steel bridge structures.
3. Superstructure and deck of railway bridges - basic types, rules of structural design and detailing.
4. Superstructure and deck of road bridges - basic types, rules of structural design and detailing.
5. Open decks - static behaviour principles, design rules of deck members.
6. Plate steel decks (orthotropic decks) - static design principles, shear lag of wide chord.
7. Beam bridges with web-plate main girders - static design principles, buckling of slender webs.
8. Composite steel-concrete beam bridges - basic principles of the behaviour, design rules.
9. Beam grids - basic rules of the structural design, static design principles.
10. Beam bridges with truss main girders - structural design rules, static design principles.
11. Bracings of bridge structures - types, function, loading, static design. Bridge accessories and attachment.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Pechar, J., Bureš, J., Schindler, A. Kovové mosty, SNTL Praha, 1990, 528 s. ISBN 80-03-00523-X. (CS)
Schindler, A., Bureš, J., Pechar, J. Navrhování ocelových mostů, SNTL/ALFA Praha, 1980, 488 s. (CS)
Recommended reading
Manual of Bridge Engineering, edited by M.J. Ryall, G.A.R. Parke and J.E. Harding, Thomas Telford Ltd., London 2000, 1012 pp. ISBN 0 7277 2774 5. (EN)
Pechal, A. Mosty - Bridges, A. Pechal: Brno 2009, 270 s. ISBN 978-80-254-5279-0. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer