Course detail
Selected Problems of Design and Realization of Metal and Timber Structures and Bridges (KON)
FAST-CO052Acad. year: 2022/2023
Design assisted by testing, utilization of the test results for the design of civil engineering structures, methods of evaluation of test results. Reliability of metal and timber structures.
Structural systems of temporary bridges, specification of their design and usage, systems of floating bridges - basic information. Structural composition, analysis of static behaviour.
Knowledge of theoretical and experimental verification of the behaviour of temporary bridges. Usage of temporary bridges.
Some selected problems of the design and realization of composite steel-concrete structures and bridges. Some selected problems of the design and realization of timber or timber-concrete structures and bridges (in dependence on the actual knowledge and results of the science, research, innovation and practice in the field mentioned).
Failures and reconstructions of metal and timber structures and bridges.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2.-3. Statistical elaboration of experimental data obtained from the loading tests.
4.-5. Probabilistic evaluation of test results - design assisted by testing.
6. Terminology, classification, requirements, characteristic of temporary bridge structures.
7. Basic systems of steel temporary bridges - web-plated and truss temporary bridges.
8. Mobile steel bridges. Temporary timber bridge structures.
9.-12. Selected topics of the design of advanced timber structures - spatial timber structures, timber structures combined of various materials, connections of modern timber structures.
13. Failures and reconstructions of metal and timber structures and bridges.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
BUJŇÁK, Jan a kol. Poruchy a rekonštrukcie mostov, Žilinská univerzita, Žilina 2006. (SK)
HOBST, L. a kol. Provizoria dopravních staveb, Praha, Informační centrum ČKAIT, 1999. (CS)
MALINA, Z. a kol. Směrnice pro používání BB, TMS, MS v civilním sektoru, Brno: Univerzita obrany, 2000. (CS)
TOMICA, V., SOKOLÍK, A. a ZEMKO, Š. Údržba a rekonštrukcia mostov, Alfa Bratislava, 1992. (SK)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer