Course detail

Pedology and Irrigation

FAST-BS004Acad. year: 2022/2023

General soil science, pedogenesis - pedogenetic factors and processes. Basic soil properties - physical, mechanical and chemical properties of soils. Soil hydrostatics, adsorption, capillarity, swelling and soil water potential including methods of measurement. Hydropedology, soil moisture and soil moisture measurement. Soil types.
Importance of irrigation, history and development. Causes and evaluation of drought, determination of irrigation water requirements and sources and treatment. Types of irrigation by purpose, focus on supplemental irrigation. Spray irrigation, irrigation machinery and equipment. Irrigation of grass areas (parks, sports lawns). Automated irrigation systems. Localised irrigation, its principles with a focus on drip irrigation. Overview of special-purpose irrigation (anti-frost, etc.).

Translated with DeepL

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Landscape Water Management (VHK)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Basic knowledge of pedology and irrigation, basic principles of irrigation.


Basic knowledge of physics, hydraulics and hydrology


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not applicable.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

To obtain credit, basic pedological analyses and laboratory protocols must be carried out. In addition, a study of the irrigation system of field crops by spraying with an irrigation machine is a requirement.

The examination takes the form of a final test or oral examination as required.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to hydropedology, soil forming process
2. - 3. Soil forming factors and processes
4. Physical, mechanic and chemical properties of soils
5. Hydropedology - soil moisture and soil moisture measurements
6. Soil hydrostatics - adsorption, capillarity, swelling, soil water potential
7. History of irrigation, role and importance of irrigation, irrigation water demand, reasons of drought, plant and water, types of irrigatio, evapotranspiration, climatic irrigation
8. Sprinkle irrigation, irrigation facilities and machines
9. Irrigation systems layout
10. Micro-irrigation, water quality and treatment
11. Lawn irrigation (parks, sport turf)
12. Automated irrigation systems

Work placements

Not applicable.


Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of pedology: pedogenesis, soil classification of the Czech Republic, soil species, soil types, soil analysis, water and air in soil.
Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of irrigation: calculation of water requirements, water sources, treatment, pumping. Overview of irrigation products and systems used in the Czech Republic, ability to design a basic irrigation system for agricultural areas.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Kameníčková, I.: Vodní hospodářství krajiny I. Skriptum. BRNO 2005, 138 p. (CS)
KULHAVÝ, František a Zbyněk KULHAVÝ. Navrhování hydromelioračních staveb. Praha: ČKAIT, 2008. ISBN 978-80-87093-83-2.
Kutílek, M. Vodohospodářská pedologie. 2., přeprac. vyd. Praha: Státní nakladatelství technické literatury, 1978.
ŠÁLEK, Jan. Závlahové stavby. 2. vyd. Brno: Vysoké učení technické, 1993. Učební texty vysokých škol. ISBN 80-214-0497-3.
Zbíral, J., Čižmárová, E., Obdržálková, E., Rychlý, M. Analýza půd I: jednotné pracovní postupy. - 4. vydání. Ústřední kontrolní a zkušební ústav zemědělský, Brno, 2016. ISBN: 978-80-7401-123-8.
Zoubková, L. Návody k laboratorním cvičením z pedologie. Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí n. Labem, Fakulta životního prostředí, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7414-842-2. (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme B-P-C-SI Bachelor's

    branch V , 3 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

  • Programme B-K-C-SI Bachelor's

    branch V , 3 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

  • Programme B-P-E-SI Bachelor's

    branch V , 3 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to hydropedology, soil forming process 2. - 3. Soil forming factors and processes 4. Physical, mechanic and chemical properties of soils 5. Hydropedology - soil moisture and soil moisture measurements 6. Soil hydrostatics - adsorption, capillarity, swelling, soil water potential 7. History of irrigation, role and importance of irrigation, irrigation water demand, reasons of drought, plant and water, types of irrigatio, evapotranspiration, climatic irrigation 8. Sprinkle irrigation, irrigation facilities and machines 9. Irrigation systems layout 10. Micro-irrigation, water quality and treatment 11. Lawn irrigation (parks, sport turf) 12. Automated irrigation systems


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Soil texture - sieve analysis 2. Bulk density and current moisture 3. The apparent density of soil particles 4. Casagrande's test 5. Andrian's test 6. Soil reaction, determination CaCO3, test 7. - 12. Project of field irrigation in South Moravia