Course detail

Ponds and purpose reservoirs

FAST-BS053Acad. year: 2022/2023

Introduction to issues, definitions, history of pond construction in the Czech Republic.
Distribution and functions, survey work, site selection of a small water reservoir.
Water management of small water reservoirs, water losses, SWR water management solution.
Pond dams, outlets, intakes, safety overflows, reservoir bottoms, littoral zone, reservoir surroundings.
Polders, Anti-erosion reservoirs, rain reservoirs, etc.
Handling and operating regulations, desilting and revitalization of reservoirs, reconstruction of reservoirs, modernization, malfunctions of pond dams, errors in pond projects, progress of construction.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Landscape Water Management (VHK)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Student gains overview of ponds and small water reservoirs, knowledge of directives, ability of designing ponds, knowledge of construction principles in the process of designing.


Knowledge of hydraulics and water management solution of reservoirs including transformation function.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not applicable.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

According to the ECTS classification scale. Part of the points for the output of the project from the exercise and part of the points for the exam.

Course curriculum

Week 1: Introduction and basic information about the subject, division of reservoirs and site selection for small water reservoirs

Week 2: Dam and design principles

3rd week: Documents and surveys for the design of ponds and MVN

4th week: Water management solution of small water reservoirs

Week 5: Water management solutions for small water reservoirs

Week 6: Bottom drains

Week 7: Safety overflows

Week 8: Dampening Energy

9th week: Measures in the flood of the reservoir and in the surroundings, siltation, removal of silt, objects

10th week: Malfunctions and unsuitable designs of ponds and MVN

11th week: field trip / practical lecture

Work placements

Not applicable.


Overview of ponds and small water reservoirs subject, knowledge of directives, the ability of designing ponds, knowledge of construction principles in the process of designing.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The definition of controlled teaching and the method of its implementation is specified at the beginning of the semester in the practice session.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

ČSN 75 2410 Malé vodní nádrže, 2011. (CS)
DOLEŽAL, P. a kol. Malé vodní a suché nádrže: TP 1.19: technická pomůcka k činnosti autorizovaných osob Praha Informační centrum ČKAIT, 2011. 978-80-86364 (CS)
VRÁNA, K.,  BERAN, J. Rybníky a účelové nádrže, Praha, ČVUT, 2005 80-01-02570-5 (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme B-P-C-SI Bachelor's

    branch V , 4 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional

  • Programme B-K-C-SI Bachelor's

    branch V , 4 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional

  • Programme B-P-E-SI Bachelor's

    branch V , 4 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Week 1: Introduction and basic information about the subject, division of reservoirs and site selection for small water reservoirs

Week 2: Dam and design principles

3rd week: Documents and surveys for the design of ponds and MVN

4th week: Water management solution of small water reservoirs

Week 5: Water management solutions for small water reservoirs

Week 6: Bottom drains

Week 7: Safety overflows

Week 8: Dampening Energy

9th week: Measures in the flood of the reservoir and in the surroundings, siltation, removal of silt, objects

10th week: Malfunctions and unsuitable designs of ponds and MVN

11th week: field trip / practical lecture


39 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to the exercise – position of the body, axis of the body, background. Atlas software.

2. Longitudinal and transverse body profiles, choice of body height.

3. Sample body cross-section and seepage curve

4. Longitudinal and transverse profiles by flooding. Completion in Atlas software.

5. Water management solution of the reservoir and bathygraphic curve.

6. Design of the lower drain (calculation and drawing).

7. Calculation of safety overflow.

8. Drawing of the safety overflow.

9. Situation and proposals in the flood.

10. Technical report.

11. Check, credit.
