Course detail
Metal Structures 1
FAST-BO004Acad. year: 2022/2023
Dispositional and structural design and loading in building process of metal-framed structures.
Design of industrial buildings.
Roof structures (cladding, rafters, purlins, girders, bracing, bearings, optional roof members).
Crane girders and material handling systems in industrial buildings.
Crane girder design for travelling cranes (rail, main girder, horizontal bracing beam, bumpers).
Transmission principles of crane girder braking force into substructure.
Bent systems of industrial buildings.
Design of web-plate and built-up columns, footing and column anchorage.
Spatial rigidity of industrial building systems.
Lateral (wind) bracing, bracing systems of buildings with socketed columns only.
Exposed and interior walls structure of industrial buildings.
Window and portal lintel dimensioning.
Production, assembly, maintenance and rebuilding of metal-framed industrial bearing structures.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
teachings, focused to problems of structural design of metal industrial buildings, in term of content amplificated more in detail in the schedule of related training subject.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Design of industrial building structures. Composition of roof construction (roof cladding, spars).
3. Simple plate and latticed purlins; jointed, continuous, truss and suspended purlins.
4. Plate and latticed roof girders, roof bracings.
5. Bearings and additional roof structures.
6. Crane runway system in industrial buildings. Crane runways for bridge cranes: loading, rails, a main girder of a crane runway.
7. Design and constructional design of a main girder and a horizontal stiffening girder of a crane runway. Principle of a transmission of a brake force of bridge cranes to the foundations.
8. Systems of industrial building main frames.
9. Design of columns of main frames of factory buildings. Principles of plain and lattice columns design.
10. Base and anchorage systems of columns.
11. Space rigidity of an industrial building system. Cross-wind bracing, bracing of the building with all-stocketed columns.
12. Structure of external and interior walls of an industrial building, design of window and gate lintels.
13. Technology of manufacturing and realization of steel structures. Assembly of steel structures, maintenance, rebuilding and stiffening of steel structures (on the specialization S only).
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Ferjenčík, P., Schun, J., Melcher, J. a kol.: Navrhovanie oceľových konštrukcií, ALFA Bratislava, 1986
Marek, P.: Kovové konstrukce pozemních staveb, Praha : SNTL ; Bratislava : Alfa, 1985
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer