Course detail
History of Art
FA-DEU-TAcad. year: 2022/2023
This cycle of lectures presents the fundamental questions from the history of art in terms of terminology, methods and problems that history of art poses, using the art history material to illustrate the theoretical problems of the discipline. Theoretical and practical aspects of the history of art are discussed with regard to the needs of architects working in heritage renovation, historic settlements and cultural landscape, as well as for architects solving current issues with their personal interest in the historical and theoretical background.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. The concept of style; style as a definition of era; its use to set the relative dating
3. The concept of evolution; ancient evolution cycle as a model for the concept of art evolution in the Middle Ages and modern era
4. The concept of tradition, convention, historicism; establishing of traditional elements in the history of art from the Middle Ages
5. The concept of avant garde; avant gardes of the 20th century
6. The history of art as a science: the concept of the history of art as an individual interpretation of a problem (E. H. Gombrich)
7. Space in art: specifics of paintings
8. Space in art: specifics of sculptures
9. Arts and crafts: techniques and materials of the prehistoric cultures, the Antiquity and the Middle Ages
10. Arts and crafts: techniques and materials in the modern era
11. Authorial subject, author´s style, individuality of the fine art work
12. Mimesis versus abstraction; the history of art as a history of depicting
13. Human figure and the changes of its representation from the prehistoric times to the 20th century
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
In the case of a student's apology and with approval of the subject guarantor, personal attendance may be substituted with online attendance in the classes.
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KITSON, Michael, Barok a rokoko, Praha: Artia, 1972. (CS)
LASSUS, Jean, Raně křesťanské a byzantské umění, Praha: Artia, 11971. (CS)
LOMMEL, Andreas, Pravěk a umění přírodních národů. Praha: Artia, 1970. (CS)
LYNTON, Norbert, Umění 19. a 20. století, Praha: Artia, 1981 (CS)
MARTINDALE, Andrew, Člověk a renesance, Praha: Artia, 1972. (CS)
MORAN, Henri de, Dějiny užitého umění od nejstarších dob po současnost. Praha: Odeon, 1983. (CS)
Recommended reading
BOUZEK, Jan, Vznik Evropy. Praha: Triton, 2013 (CS)
GOMBRICH, Ernst Hans. Umění a iluze. Studie o psychologii obrazového znázorňování. Praha: Argo, 2019. (CS)
SCHAPIRO, Meyer. Dílo a styl. Praha: Argo, 2006. (CS)
SPUNAR, Pavel a kolektiv. Kultura středověku. Praha. Academia, 1995. (CS)
WITTLICH, Petr. České sochařství XX. století 1890–1945, Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1978 (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit