Course detail
Diagnostic Methods and Testing
FEKT-BPC-DIZAcad. year: 2022/2023
Fundamental concepts and methods in diagnostics. Electrical, mechanical testing of materials and devices. Tests of climatic resistance. Destructive and non destructive testing. Microscopic, spectroscopic and diffractometry methods - principles and usage. Evaluation and verification of diagnostics analyses. Diagnostics and testing. Principles and organization of testing stations in Czech Rep., testing in laws of Czech Rep.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- explain basic terms and methods in the field of diagnostics of electrical materials and equipments,
- be knowledgeable in basic physical methods for determination of structure and composition of diagnostic materials,
- describe principles and organization of testing in Czech republic,
- describe electrical and mechanical tests of materials and electrical equipments, electrical safety tests and tests of climate resistance,
- choose and apply suitable diagnostics method in practice.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Credit is awarded for the completion and submission of laboratory work. The examination is aimed at verifying knowledge and orientation in the field of diagnostic methods and the organisation of testing.
Up to 40 points may be earned during the semester and up to 60 points may be earned on the written final examination.
Course curriculum
2. Electrical measuring methods in diagnostics of semiconductor materials and structures. Methods for setting of concentration and concentration profiles of dopants.
3. DC and AC measuring methods in diagnostics of insulator systems. HV tests, evaluation of tests.
4. Electrical Safety Tests. Testing of climatic and mechanical resistance of electrical objects and equipment.
5. Mechanical properties tests - overview of tests. Hardness tests.
6. Overview of methods of optical microscopy, lenses and their properties, illumination methods and image formation in the optical microscope, microscope characteristics.
7. Raster and transmission electron microscopy, electron sources, electromagnetic lens defects, low energy and low vacuum scanning electron microscopy.
8. Raster electron microscopy, accelerated electron interaction with solid, detection of signals emitted from the sample, contrast types, EBIC method.
9. Microscopy rastrujícím point, the basic concepts and principles of scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, methods of observation samples, other methods of microscopy rastrujícím tip.
10. Difractometric methods. X-ray, electron and neutron diffractography.
11. Powder X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and its applications for the characterization of crystalline materials.
12. Spectroscopic methods, basic concepts, excitation spectra principle, spectroscopic methods, X-ray spectral microanalysis.
13. Processing of measurement results. Measurement errors, precision indicators, measurement uncertainty.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Jirák, J., Havlíček, S., Rozsívalová, Z.: Diagnostika a zkušebnictví. Elektronické texty, Brno 2002. (CS)
Measurements and their uncertainties : a practical guide to modern error analysis, Ifan G. Hughes ; Thomas P. A Hase ; Oxford : Oxford University Press ; 2010 (EN)
Recommended reading
ECKERTOVÁ, Ludmila a Luděk FRANK, ed.: Metody analýzy povrchů: elektronová mikroskopie a difrakce. Praha: Academia, 1996. ISBN 8020003290. (CS)
REIMER, Ludwig.: Scanning electron microscopy: physics of image formation and microanalysis. 2nd completely rev. and updated ed. New York: Springer, c1998. ISBN 3540639764. (CS)
STOKES, Debbie.: Principles and practice of variable pressure/environmental scanning electron microscopy (VP-ESEM). 1. Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons, 2008, 221 s. ISBN 9780470065402. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2) Electrical measuring methods in diagnostics of semiconductor materials and structures. Methods for setting of concentration and concentration profiles of dopants.
3) DC and AC measuring methods in diagnostics of insulator systems. HV tests, evaluation of tests.
4) Safety tests of electrical devices. Climatic tests, mechanical tests of electrical devices and equipments.
5) Tests of mechanical properties - survey of methods. Hardness tests. Methods of acoustic and electromagnetic diagnostics.
6) Diagnostics and testing. Obligations of producers, importers and distributors at introducing of products to market. Conformity assesment of products.
7) Physical methods for setting of structure and composition of materials, material systems and structures. Methods based on scanning probe, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). Sensitivity and resolution of methods.
8) Survey of methods of optical microscopy. Methods for measurement of thin layer thickness.
9) Scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Diagnostics on bases of detection of individual signals.
10) Special methods of scanning electron microscopy. Voltage contrast, magnetic contrast, EBIC, low energy and low vacuum electron microscopy.
11) Diffraction methods. X-ray diffraction, electron and neutron diffraction methods.
12) Spectroscopy methods, atom and molecule spectroscopy. Absorption, emission, X-ray and electron spectroscopy. Mass spectroscopy.
13) Evaluation of results of a measurement. Measurement errors, parameters of accuracy.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
AC methods in diagnostics of electroinsulating systems.
Work at HV laboratory. HV testing. 2 weeks.
Safety tests of electrical devices. Tests of climatic resistance of electrical devices.
Measuring on semiconductor materials. Methods for evaluation of concetration of acceptor and donor impurities. 2 weeks.
Tests of mechanical properties. Hardness tests. 2 weeks.
Work with optical microscope, its usage.
Work with transmission electron microscope.
Work with scanning electron microscope.
X ray microanalysis with energy dispersive microanalyzer.