Course detail
Industrial automation
FEKT-BPC-PPAAcad. year: 2022/2023
Overview of process instrumentation, standardized device interfaces, sensors and actuators. Overview of process control levels. Overview of industrial communications, industrial protocols and networks. Reliability, safety, and real-time systems. Overview of the modern methods and technologies for industrial automation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- divide and describe the function of automation devices in automation system,
- divide the process and control intrumentation devices and describe their properties,
- describe the servomechanism, stepper and other selected drives,
- apply the selected devices of process and control instrumentation including main types of drives,
- divide and characterize basic pneumatic and hydraulic instrumentation,
- describe process control levels (control level, SCADA, MES, ERP),
- design and implement basic industrial control applications and HMI systems,
- describe the standardized interfaces of process instrumentation,
- describe the ISO/OSI model,
- characterize the basic fieldbus and protocols,
- describe briefly ethernet and industrial ethernet, advantages and disadvantages,
- describe advantages and disadvantages of real-time operating systems,
- know the terms reliability, safety, and security,
- know the modern methods of the indutrial automation.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
60 points from examination
For points from laboratories:
submit protocols from laboritories (6 tasks with maximum 4 points per task) in time
submit the project protocol in time (maximum 16 points)
For credit:
minimum 20 points from labs overall
and submit all protocols from all laboritories (6 tasks)
and submit the project gaining minimum 8 out of 16 points
For examination:
minimum 30 points from 60 accessable
and good answer to all question from the list of the minimal knowledge (penzum)
Course curriculum
1. Introduction to industrial automation - overview of automation control system levels.
2. Process instrumentation - standardized symbols, overview of sensors and actuators.
3. Process instrumentation - motors and motion control (frequency inverter, servo).
4. Process instrumentation - pneumatic components.
5. Industrial communication - ISO/OSI model, buses and protocols. Industrial Ethernet.
6. Control instrumentation - PLC, DCS, IPC, industrial controllers, embedded systems.
7. Operator control level - SCADA/HMI.
8. Basic programming of PLC nad HMI.
9. Advanced PLC programming.
10. MES, ERP, industrial information systems, databases.
11. Reliability, functional safety, cybersecurity, and industrial standards.
12. Real-time operating systems.
13. Modern trends - Industry 4.0, virtual commissioning, digital twin.
Laboratory training:
week 1. - Introduction to laboratory.
week 2. - 7. - Working-out of the tasks.
week 8. - 12. - Individual working-out of the project.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
- recommended prerequisite
Electrical Engineering 1 - recommended prerequisite
Electrical Engineering 2 - recommended prerequisite
Sensors - recommended prerequisite
Introduction to Control Engineering and Cybernetics
Basic literature
COLLINS, Kevin. PLC Programming for Industrial Automation. Exposure, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1846854965.
LANDRYOVÁ, Lenka, PAVELEK, Martin. Návrh procesních systémů. Ostrava, 1996
MACAULAY, Tyson and SINGER, Bryan L. Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems: SCADA, DCS, PLC, HMI, and SIS. Auerbach Publications, 1 edition (December 13, 2011). ISBN-13: 978-1439801963.
PATRICK, Dale R. and FARDO, Stephen W. Industrial Process Control Systems. The Fairmont Press, Inc., 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0881735925.
STENERSON, Jon. Industrial Automation and Process Control. Prentice Hall, 1 edition (September 27, 2002). ISBN-13: 978-0130330307.
ZEZULKA František, FIEDLER Petr, BRADÁČ Zdeněk. Prostředky průmyslové automatizace. Elektronické texty, Brno, 2004.
ZEZULKA František, HYNČICA Ondřej. Průmyslový Ethernet. Automa. 2007, 8. ISSN 1210-9592.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BPC-AMT Bachelor's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer