Course detail
Electromagnetic Field Modeling
FEKT-MPC-MEMAcad. year: 2022/2023
Principles of the finite element method and its application to different variants of electromagnetic fields. In the computer-based exercises, the possibilities and perspectives of the method are shown and practiced together with various application examples facilitating the computation of various types of electromagnetic fields (the static to optical frequency forms). In addition to the above mentioned elements, the students carry out the following tasks:
- practice in the ANSYS environment
- solution of more complex tasks by means of working input data
- direct solution of Maxwell’s equations via the method of finite differences in the time domain (FDTD)
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- explain the numerical modelling methods
- perform a numerical analysis of simpler problems related to the electrostatic field, the steady-state electric field in conductive materials, the magnetostatic and stationary magnetic fields, the vf electromagnetic field.
- set up a numerical model for combined coupled problems (electromechanical, electrothermal).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Student have to do compulsory ten projects/assignment in computer laboratories during the cource.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
The credits are awarded to students who actively participate in all tutorials (computer-based exercises), submit all assigned tasks, and win at least the minimum of 30 pts for the tasks submitted.
In order to successfully complete the course, a student is required to gain the credits before taking the semester exam, and the exam results must not be below 20 points.
Course curriculum
2) Analysis of the electrostatic field. Properties of materials in the electrostatic field. Poisson’s and Laplace's equations. Elementary, analytical, and numerical methods of solving Poisson’s equation. Principles of superposition and reflection. Computation of induction fluxes, the energy in a system of electrodes, the actual and mutual capacity of the system of electrodes. Computation of electrostatic forces, trajectory of the moving charge.
3) Analysis of the electric field of steady-state currents; the form of Poisson’s equation. Computation of Joule losses; the transfer (ground) resistance of earthed electrodes; step voltage.
4) Formal analogies of physical fields and their significance for practical modelling. Coupled problems: conductor heating as a consequence of current conduction.
5) Application examples and possibilities in the finite element method (FEM). Elements for the two-dimensional or spatial discretization of the geometry of the assigned configuration. Principles and operation of FEM network generators. Shape and approximation functions; approximation examples.
6) Principles of the FEM. Discretization of one- and two-dimensional linear Poisson’s equation. Examples of deriving the coefficients of a system of equations for the numerical solution of the electrostatic problem. Discretization of non-linear, two-dimensional Poisson’s equation.
7) Analysis of the magnetic field by means of the scalar magnetic potential. The reduced, differential, and generalized scalar potential. Computation of magnetic forces in a circuit having a permanent magnet and an air gap. Shielding of magnetostatic fields.
8) Analysis of the magnetic field using a vector potential. Voltage-excited coil field; coil field excited by an electronic circuit. Computation of the actual and mutual inductance of coils.
9) Analysis of harmonically variable fields. Eddy currents. Shielding of alternating magnetic fields. Current conductor located in the stator slot. Conducting cylinder and sphere in a harmonically variable magnetic field. Skineffect.
10) Analysis of high-frequency electromagnetic fields in waveguides and resonators. Computation of the radiation diagram; computation of the near and radiation fields of a dipole antenna. Computation of the peripheral parameters of an hf apparatus. Propagation of waves in free space; radiation and diffraction.
11) Principles of the method of finite differences and conditions for its practical use. Principle and application of the FDTD method.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
- recommended prerequisite
Selected Parts from Mathematics for Engineers
Basic literature
Dědková, J., Kříž T.: Modelování elektromagnetických polí. Skripta, VUTIUM, Brno 2012. (CS)
Haňka, L.: Teorie elektromagnetického pole, Praha, SNTL, 1982. (CS)
Recommended reading
Quarteroni, A., Manzoni, A., & Negri, F. (2015). Reduced basis methods for partial differential equations: An introduction (pp. 1-263) doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15431-2 (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MPC-BIO Master's 0 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme MPC-EAK Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme MPC-EEN Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme MPC-KAM Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme MPC-MEL Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme MPC-SVE Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Elements, shape and approximation functions, examples of approximation.
Principle of the finite element mesh generators and their handling.
Discretization of 1D and 2D linear Poisson equation.
Discretization of 2D non-linear Poisson equation.
Basic equations of the electromagnetic field and different potentials.
Reduced, differential and general scalar potential method for the magnetic field.
Time dependent field solution by FEM.
Principles and reason for the introduction of the edge elements.
Solution of Maxwell equations in the frequency domain. Examples: waveguides, antennas.
Direct solution of the Maxwell equations by the FDTD method
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Electric field modelling by the ANSYS program
2D magnetic circuit modelling by the ANSYS program
3D transformer magnetic field model by ANSYS.
Waveguide field models by ANSYS.
Model of shielding by ANSYS.
Application of the FEM system in the MATLAB environment.
Field calculation by the FEM system in the MATLAB.
Electric field in the switching station by the charge simulation method.
Wave diffraction on a cylinder by a FDTD program.