Course detail

Numerical Modeling 2

FEKT-MPC-NM2Acad. year: 2022/2023

The subject deals with current computer resources of CAE using ANSYS system.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

- Student will be apprised with the CAE- Computer Aided Engineering principle- Computer engineer work support
- Student will obtain basic overview of ANSYS system options
- Student will understand the basics of finite element method and finite volume method
- Student will be able to do 3D mashing of the volume model for mathematical-physics analysis
- Student will be able to do mathematical-physics analysis of engineering problems in choose areas


The subject knowledge on the Bachelor´s degree level is requested.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lecture are conducted by using PowerPoint presentation, short video - clips and films and discussion with students. Exercising are divided on computer and reckoning exercising. Students have to write a single project/assignment during the course.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

30 count - work over semester
70 count - test in last semester

Course curriculum

Outline of lectures
1) General introducing to mathematical-physics analysis in general
2) Introduction to the ANSYS Workbench
3) Mesh
4) Finite element method
5) Finite volume method
6) CAE outlooks
Outline of practices
1) Work in Ansys Workbench
2) Work in ANSYS meshing module
3) Ansys Fluent 2D simulations of the flow and heat transfer, electric components cooling
4) Ansys Fluent 3D simulations of the heat transfer, electric components cooling
5) Ansys structural – strength calculations
6) Ansys associated tasks- heat-sensitive tasks of the pouring electrotechnics devices
7) Ansys Acoustic.
8) Ansys Electric
9) Ansys magnetostatic
10) Work on self-projects
11) Work on self-projects
12) Work on self-projects
13) Consultation and project presentations

Work placements

Not applicable.


To apprise the students with the computer systems of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). The student will be able to do analysis of engineering tasks using ANSYS system.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Recommended reading

Not applicable.


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MPC-EVM Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
  • Programme MPC-KAM Master's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective

Type of course unit



13 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer

Exercise in computer lab

39 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer
