Course detail
Competitive Intelligence
FP-IcinPAcad. year: 2022/2023
The course Competitive Intelligence provides students with the basic knowledge necessary to understand how to correctly and legally obtain the necessary information from a competitive environment, how to evaluate it well in order to add value to this information and thereby gain intelligence when this intelligence is a good basis for strategic decision making. of the top management of the company.
It represents a compendium of knowledge necessary to perform the function of Competitive Intelligence process manager or company managers in general at all levels of management.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Knowledge of modern approaches and methods of legally obtaining information about a competing company, competitive environment, including the creation of added value necessary for intelligence. Basics of intelligence analysis of acquired information. Analysis of competitive hypotheses, check of key assumptions, time analysis, patent analysis. Software tools used in Competitive Intelligence. Basic forms of organization of the Competitive Intelligence process in a company. Knowing the most common causes of Competitive Intelligence failure.
Ability to correctly analyze the examined problem, propose a thought model of the problem, identify the information gap, perform intelligence analysis of the information obtained. To create a basis for strategic decision-making by predicting probable hypotheses. They will acquire basic approaches to the protection of business secrets of the company.
The listener will have competencies of the Competitive Intelligence Process Manager
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Exercises support especially the practical mastery of the subject matter presented in lectures or assigned for independent study with the active participation of students. During the exercises students will learn in CI laboratory specific software programs used in solving tasks in Competitive Intelligence processes. Students will try to create a prediction of possible future behavior of a competing company.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course completion:
Credit: elaboration of semester work.
Exam: The exam can have either: a) a written form. The student receives two questions for which he has a limited time to answer. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. b) form of test through e-learning. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. Students will be informed about the form of the exam at the beginning of the semester.
Completion of the course for students with individual study:
Credit: elaboration of a semester work, which will be sent to the lecturer.
Exam: The exam can have either: a) a written form. The student receives two questions for which he has a limited time to answer. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. b) form of test through e-learning. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale. Students will be informed about the form of the exam at the beginning of the semester
Completion of the course in distance form:
Credit: elaboration of semester work.
Exam: test through e-learning. The exam is classified according to the ECTS scale.
Course curriculum
Intelligence process Competitive Intelligence - disadvantages of the intelligence cycle, definition of the intelligence process and its advantages, basic intelligence process CI (steps 1 - 4).
Intelligence process Competitive Intelligence - CI CI (5 - 9 steps), five-phase reporting process
Method of Competitive Hypothesis Analysis (Step 1 - 4)
Method of Competitive Hypothesis Analysis (Step 5 - 8)
Selected methods Competitive Intelligence - Control of key assumptions
Selected methods of Competitive Intelligence - Time analysis, Patent analysis
Counter Competitive Intelligence (CCI) - business secrets of the company, information protection and confidentiality activities.
Counter Competitive Intelligence (CCI) - basic CCI intelligence process, five-phase CCI process.
Forms of Competitive Intelligence organization in a company. The most common causes of CI process failure, trends in CI development.
Work placements
Furthermore, students must understand how to approach the issue of the quality of information needed to obtain background information for strategic decisions of top management, including identification and subsequent analysis of misinformation.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
KAHANER, L., 1997: Competitive Intelligence. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997. ISBN 978-0-684-84404-6.
LIEBOWITZ, J. Strategic Intelligence. New York: Auerbach Publications, 2006. 223p. ISBN 978-0-8493-9868-1.
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MGR-IM Master's 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Introduction, definition of Competitive Intelligence (CI), basic terms.
The intelligence process of Competitive Intelligence - disadvantages of the intelligence cycle, definition intelligence process and its benefits, basic CI intelligence process (steps 1-4).
Competitive Intelligence intelligence process - basic CI intelligence process (step 5 - 9), five-phase intelligence process model.
Method Analysis of competing hypotheses (steps 1-4)
Method Analysis of competing hypotheses (steps 5-8)
Selected methods of Competitive Intelligence - Review of key assumptions Selected methods of Competitive Intelligence - Time analysis, Patent analysis
Counter Competitive Intelligence (CCI) – business secrets of the company, protection of information and secrecy of activity, basic intelligence process of CCI
Counter Competitive Intelligence (CCI) - disinformation
Forms of organization of Competitive Intelligence in the enterprise.
The most common causes of CI process failure.
Teacher / Lecturer
Ethics in Competitive Intelligence - codes of ethics, rule of harm, assignment of seminar paper
Competitive Intelligence audit
Analysis of competitive hypotheses - 1.part.
Analysis of competitive hypotheses - 2.part.
Control of key assumptions