Course detail
Financial Accounting
FP-UfuPAcad. year: 2022/2023
The course Financial Accountancy familiarises students in detail with the accounting of the life cycle of fixed assets, accounting for current assets, for individual items in balance sheet liabilities, for associated and other costs and revenues, for profit and its distribution and producing financial statements.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students gain the skills needed for accounting operations connected with the existence of all forms of property in the enterprise, its sources of financing, cost and revenue processes. They acquire skills in the specific accounting operations that provide a true and fair picture of the enterprise. They also practice producing financial statements.
After completing the course students are able to carry out routine accounting operations in a company, propose solutions for specific accounting operations and produce financial statements.
- methods of double-entry bookkeeping
- the accounting definition of asset items and their valuation
- about the concepts and definitions of funding sources
- about the costs, revenues and profits of the enterprise
- about the connections between the given accounting categories and how they are incorporated into the financial statements.
This means that they must have successfully completed the course Accountancy.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
The examination is in writing form, or in form an electronic test.
The resulting mark for the course also includes the results of work in the seminars. In the resulting classification the weighting of the individual parts will be as follows: assigment for examination 60 %, results from seminars 40 %.
Course curriculum
The course Financial Accountancy familiarises students in detail with the accounting of the life cycle of fixed assets, accounting for current assets, for individual items in balance sheet liabilities, for associated and other costs and revenues, for profit and its distribution and producing financial statements.
Fixed assets – all methods of acquisition, life cycle of fixed assets – depreciation (component depreciation, residual value), disposal by sale, by donation or through liquidation.
Current assets – inventory: accounting by methods A and B, pricing on consumption, inventory from own production, receivables: statement of claims focused on trade receivables, provisions, writing off receivables, assignment of claims.
Balance sheet liabilities - equity and external funding sources.
Costs and revenues: their structure, content and accounting in accounting cost classes
Closure of accounts, income tax, cost and revenue accruals, accrued items and exchange rate differences by balance-sheet date.
Producing financial statements and annexes, audit of financial statements.
The digitalization of accounting work, communication of the accountant with shareholders, profesional chambers of accountants.
Work placements
- to acquire knowledge and skills in the issues of accounting for assets and liabilities of the accounting unit, costs and revenues and profit,
- to acquire knowledge and skills in cut-off entries and financial statements.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Participation of students in seminars is monitored (max. 3 absencees).
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Dvořáková, Lenka: Nejčastější chyby a omyly účetních. Wolters Kluwer, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7552-691-5. (CS)
Vyhláška č. 500/2002 Sb., kterou se provádějí některá ustanovení zákona o účetnictví. (CS)
Zákon č. 563/1991Sb., o účetnictví. (CS)
Recommended reading
Hruška, Vladimír: Účetní případy pro praxi. Grada Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-80-271-1033-9. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Fixed assets – all methods of acquisition
2. Life cycle of fixed assets – depreciation (component depreciation, residual value), disposal by sale, by donation or through liquidation
3. Current assets – inventory: bookkeeping procedures by method B,
pricing on consumption, inventory from own production
4. Current assets – receivables: statement of claims focused on trade receivables, provisions, writing off receivables, assignment of claims
5. Balance sheet liabilities - equity
6. Balance sheet liabilities - external funding sources
7. Costs and revenues, their structure, content and accounting in accounting cost classes
8. Profit: ascertaining the profit, accounting for its distributions
9. Cut-off entries in the wider sense, cost and revenue accruals, accrued items and exchange rate differences by balance-sheet date
10. Closure of accounts, income tax (current and deferred tax)
11. Producing and verifing of financial statements and annexes, annual reports
12. Disclosure and vefification of the financial statements, basic auditors procedures
13. The digitalization of accounting work, communication of the accountant with shareholders
Teacher / Lecturer