Course detail
Management Information Systems
FP-ERRmisPAcad. year: 2022/2023
The course focuses on the following topics: Historical development of information systems and their categories. Database systems. Corporate information strategy. Strategic management of information systems. Efficiency of information systems and metric. Information systems development. Planning of IS development. IS management. IS security
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Learning outcomes of the course unit
They will acquire basic knowledge necessary for creation of an information strategy, for evaluation of IS efficiency, they will be able to define an optimal version of new IS by means of suitable metric and to define Service Level Agreement for outsourcing in the field of IS. They will learn how to actively create corporate security policy in the field of IS and will be able to take an active part in realization of IS implementation projects and their control
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Conditions for awarding the course-unit credit:
- Successful elaborations of semester work in a pre-set deadline. Assesment A-E, F means no award. Semester work must be hand in at the last week of lessonning.
Conditions for passing an exam: Knowledge of taught topics and its practical application.
Form of examination: oral examination. Part of exam is discussion about semester work. Assesment of semeset work will be partly accepted for the final assesment.
Termination in the case of forced distance learning
The primary evaluation will be according to the project, oral exam via Teams will be performed. You will find information about exam on the e-learning.
Termination for students with individual study. Everything applies as for normal students, except for compulsory classes and deadlines. The terms are governed by the ISP.
Course curriculum
2 Life cycle of ICT
3 Process management
4 Types of ICT
5 Information strategies
6 ICT selection
7 Acquisitions of ICT
8 ICT implementation
9 ICT service management
10 Safety policy in the field of IS
11 ITIL - best practices
12 Efficiency and effectiveness
13 Conclusion, case studies
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2 Life cycle of ICT
3 Process management
4 Types of ICT
5 Information strategies
6 ICT selection
7 Acquisitions of ICT
8 ICT implementation
9 ICT service management
10 Safety policy in the field of IS
11 ITIL - best practices
12 Efficiency and effectiveness
13 Conclusion, case studies
Teacher / Lecturer
1 - company selection and company strategy
2 - information system selection
3 - infrastructure selection
4 - operation, ICT organization structure, SLA