Course detail
Business Management
FP-OroPAcad. year: 2022/2023
The subject provides knowledge related to business management. Emphasis is placed on acquaintance with the nature and content of management and its specifics in business activities. It provides knowledge of the basic methods, tools, and techniques that business managers and business managers should know about their management capabilities.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Requirements (percentage weight)
Credit (30%):
Project 60%
Lestures and partial activities (including lestures of experts) 40%
Zkouška (minimálně 70% bodů):
Exam (30%):
Writing exam 100 points (the teacher reserves the right to the oral examination)
Course curriculum
1. Development of trade and its position in NH, EU and international context - environmental impact - current state and trends. Transformation of Czech trade, the European Union and a single internal market, competition law in the Czech Republic and the EU.
2. Business and business activities, definition of business terms and functions, retail and wholesale, stakeholders, corporate social responsibility.
3. Business models and their design (value approach in relation to target groups, stakeholders, business modeling process, five phases of the model, evaluation, resources, sustainability).
4. The importance of business cooperation, networking, franchising, integration, dominance and diversification of business enterprises.
5. Legislation, historical development and consumer protection systems in business (world, Czech Republic, EU), business traffic legislation, business assortment, identification and importance of packing.
6. Territorial trade strategies, analysis, selection and localization of trade. Economic, social and environmental impacts. Business location location factors.
7. The strategy and nature of the trade organization, the basic organizational structure and the specifics of business organization.
8. Business Traffic Management, Wholesale and Retail Traffic Technology, Space Management, Merchandising, Shopping Atmosphere.
9. Economics and business management, planning, organization, types and methods of financing, resource allocation and control. Principles of assessing the economic efficiency of unit construction.
10. Human resources management in business and business activities, selection, competencies, education and specifics.
11. Purchasing behavior, marketing influences on consumers, building loyalty, research and work with data in the store, marketing communication in business units, new trends.
12. Specific areas of business management: IT in business management, inventory management and movement of goods.
13. Development trends in the construction of business units, construction and technical solutions of business units.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HILL, Ch. W. L. Global business today. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011. ISBN 978-0-07813-721-1. (CS)
MULAČOVÁ, V. a P. MULAČ. Obchodní podnikání ve 21. století. Praha: Grada. Finanční řízení, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4780-4. (CS)
OSTERWALDER, A. a Y. PIGNEUR. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionries, Game Chanfers, and…Canada: John Wileyand Sons, 2013. ISBN 978-0470-87641-1.
PRAŽSKÁ, L. a J. JINDRA. Obchodní podnikání. 2. přeprac. vyd. Praha: Management Press, 2002. ISBN 80-726-1059-7.
WRIGLEY, N. a M. LOWE. Reading retail: a geographical perspective on retailing and consumption spaces. London: Arnold [u.a.] , 2002. ISBN 03-407-0660-0. (CS)
Recommended reading
SZCZYRBA, Z. Geografie obchodu: se zaměřením na současné trendy v maloobchodě. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2006. ISBN 80-244-1453-8.
SZCZYRBA, Z. Trendy ve vývoji maloobchodu v ČR – geografická realita [online]. Dostupné na WWW: .
ŠKVAŘILOVÁ, A. Rozvoj maloobchodu v ČR v období 1990–2001 (diplomová práce). Brno: ESF MU, 2003. 63
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MGR-MEO Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Development of trade and its position in NH, EU and international context - environmental impact - current state and trends. Transformation of Czech trade, the European Union and a single internal market, competition law in the Czech Republic and the EU.
2. Business and business activities, definition of business terms and functions, retail and wholesale, stakeholders, corporate social responsibility.
3. Business models and their design (value approach in relation to target groups, stakeholders, business modeling process, five phases of the model, evaluation, resources, sustainability).
4. The importance of business cooperation, networking, franchising, integration, dominance and diversification of business enterprises.
5. Legislation, historical development and consumer protection systems in business (world, Czech Republic, EU), business traffic legislation, business assortment, identification and importance of packing.
6. Territorial trade strategies, analysis, selection and localization of trade. Economic, social and environmental impacts. Business location location factors.
7. The strategy and nature of the trade organization, the basic organizational structure and the specifics of business organization.
8. Business Traffic Management, Wholesale and Retail Traffic Technology, Space Management, Merchandising, Shopping Atmosphere.
9. Economics and business management, planning, organization, types and methods of financing, resource allocation and control. Principles of assessing the economic efficiency of unit construction.
10. Human resources management in business and business activities, selection, competencies, education and specifics.
11. Purchasing behavior, marketing influences on consumers, building loyalty, research and work with data in the store, marketing communication in business units, new trends.
12. Specific areas of business management: IT in business management, inventory management and movement of goods.
13. Development trends in the construction of business units, construction and technical solutions of business units.
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Development of trade and its position in NH, EU and international context - environmental impact - current state and trends. Transformation of Czech trade, the European Union and a single internal market, competition law in the Czech Republic and the EU.
2. Business and business activities, definition of business terms and functions, retail and wholesale, stakeholders, corporate social responsibility.
3. Business models and their design (value approach in relation to target groups, stakeholders, business modeling process, five phases of the model, evaluation, resources, sustainability).
4. The importance of business cooperation, networking, franchising, integration, dominance and diversification of business enterprises.
5. Legislation, historical development and consumer protection systems in business (world, Czech Republic, EU), business traffic legislation, business assortment, identification and importance of packing.
6. Territorial trade strategies, analysis, selection and localization of trade. Economic, social and environmental impacts. Business location location factors.
7. The strategy and nature of the trade organization, the basic organizational structure and the specifics of business organization.
8. Business Traffic Management, Wholesale and Retail Traffic Technology, Space Management, Merchandising, Shopping Atmosphere.
9. Economics and business management, planning, organization, types and methods of financing, resource allocation and control. Principles of assessing the economic efficiency of unit construction.
10. Human resources management in business and business activities, selection, competencies, education and specifics.
11. Purchasing behavior, marketing influences on consumers, building loyalty, research and work with data in the store, marketing communication in business units, new trends.
12. Specific areas of business management: IT in business management, inventory management and movement of goods.
13. Development trends in the construction of business units, construction and technical solutions of business units.