Course detail
Service Design Management
FP-SsdmPAcad. year: 2022/2023
The importance of services is constantly increasing and they are therefore often perceived as the driving force of today's advanced economies. The subject Service Design Management is focused on defining the importance of services in today's economy and the field of service design, including understanding the entire process, planning and management. Part of the teaching is a focus on the key activities of the design process, namely: research, ideation, prototyping and implementation. The teaching will be supplemented with case studies, team discussions, professional articles, lectures with experts from practice and excursions.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
This subject will develop the knowledge needed to understand the issue of service design in today's companies, both in the management of the companies themselves, where services are perceived as the main business activity (such as banks, hotels, hospitals), and also where services are provided as a supplement to the offer of material products.
Basic knowledge of marketing and management is assumed.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Teaching takes place in the form of lectures, which have the character of explaining the basic principles, methodology of the given discipline and problems with practical application. The exercises especially support the practical mastery of the material presented in the lectures.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Student evaluation will take place both in the form of continuous verification of knowledge (elaboration of individual and team semester projects) and in the form of an exam. The final evaluation of the students will depend both on the level of the ongoing work of the students during the whole semester and on the results of the exam. The exam is oral.
The requirements for obtaining credit are as follows:
1. Individual project – at the beginning of the semester, students will be assigned a practical individual project, the completion of which will be assessed 10 points.
2. Team project – at the beginning of the semester, students will be assigned a practical team project, the completion of which will be assessed 30 points.
The requirements for obtaining credit for students with individual studies are as follows:
1. Individual project – at the beginning of the semester, students will be assigned a practical individual project, the completion of which will be assessed 10 points.
2. A project that can be worked on individually or joined with the students of the course - at the beginning of the semester, students will be assigned a practical project, the completion of which will be assessed 30 points.
Course curriculum
1. The importance of services in today's economy (difference between product x service, division of services, share of services in GDP/employment, top service industry, top service companies) and the provision of services as the main content of the company's activity
2. Accompanying services to products, including their application at manufacturing companies
3. Accompanying services for products using smart technologies, including their application at manufacturing companies
4. Human-centred Design, Design Thinking and Service Design (SD) - what is SD and what is its meaning
5. Service Design Process and Service Design Management – process understanding, SD process planning, SD process management
6. Basic tools of Service design (research findings, personas, journey maps, system maps, service prototypes, Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas)
7. Research – research process in SD, methods of data collection, methods of data visualization, synthesis and analysis
8. Ideation – idea, decision, ideation process and ideation methods
9. Prototyping – prototyping process for services, prototyping methods
10. Implementation - from prototype to service launch, SD and change management, SD and SW development, SD and product management, SD and "architecture"
11. Service Design in IT
12. Practical recommendations regarding SD
13. Human-centered Design
Work placements
The aim of the subject is to provide students with basic knowledge in the field of service design, both in companies dealing with services as the main business activity, and in companies where services are provided as a supplement to the offer of tangible products.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
The control of teaching will take place in the form of the development and presentation of an individual and team semester project and a subsequent exam. The exam is oral.
The attendance at lectures and seminars is not mandatory.
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
STICKDORN, Marc, et al. This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2018.
STICKDORN, Marc, et al. This Is Service Design Methods: A Companion to This Is Service Design Doing. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2018.
Recommended reading
KALBACH, James. Mapping experiences: A complete guide to creating value through journeys, blueprints, and diagrams. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2016.
KAŇOVSKÁ, Lucie; TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Eva. Doprovodné služby-konkurenční výhoda? CERM, 2009.
LEWRICK, Michael; LINK, Patrick; LEIFER, Larry. The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
Využití smart technologií ve službách průmyslových podniků. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2018. 146 s. ISBN: 978-80-7204-990-5.
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme MGR-SRP Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
The subject is taught in the form of lectures and exercises. The lectures have the character of explaining the basic principles of the given discipline, including practical application.
Teacher / Lecturer
The exercise is focused on the practical mastery of the material discussed in the lectures.