Course detail
Trade and Sales Promotion
FP-BTSPEAcad. year: 2022/2023
The subject deliveres review of trade activities. It introduces to the students the basic operations - purchase and sale, transporation and logistic, research of market and sale services providing. It characterizes the term trade category and their importance for the realization of the trade activities. It explains basic form of the trade and set of conditions in which framework is business realized. To explain relation activities to the basic corporate functions of SMEs and with the impact on the sales promotion.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Assessment methods
Proposal of the project 5%
Partial activities during semester 15%
Project 30%
Knowledge test 50%
Assessment methods for the students wit ISP
Proposal of the project 10%
Project 40%
Knowledge test 50%
Course curriculum
2. Characterization of the current trade. Trade on the B2B, B2C and B2G markets. Specifications of the trade.
3. Structure of the trade. Trade in Czech Republic. Trade in the Internet period. Legal and ethical aspects of the trade.
4. Purchase management. Definition of the function of the purchase. Terminology. Objects and forms of the purchase. Models of the purchase. Logistic, marketing, informatic and administration of the purchase.
5. Research of purchase market. Purchase marketing mix.Conditions of purchase marketing.
6. Developing of customer-supplier relationships. Model of the functioning of the supply chain. Information flows between the functions of purchasing and other functional areas of the company.
7. Sales management. Role and importants of the sale. Sales activities. Sorts of the sales. Personal sales´ skills. Sales strategies. Sales techniques.
8. Preparation and organization of the sale. Selection, trainning and evaluation of salesman. Salesman and professionalism.
9. Consumer behaviour (B2B, B2C). Sales Relationship Management. Creating of supplier-customer relationship. Consumer protection.
10. Sale and integrated marketing communication. Sales and marketing planning. Process of communication, models. Communication strategy.
11. Personal sales and direct marketing. Sales teams and their role.
12. Advantages and development of direct marketing. Forms of direct marketing.
13. Strategy of sale promotion. Sale promotion and advertisement. Retail, wholesale, intermediary, customer.
Work placements
Explain relation activities to the basic corporate functions of SMEs. To characterize set of environmental conditions in which are the trade activities realized in the Czech Republic and in wider European environment.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KAZMI, S. H. H. and BATRA, S. K. Advertising and Sales Promotion. 3rd ed. 2009, 653p. ISBN 978-81-7446-639-6 (EN)
MULLIN, R. Sales Promotion: How to Create, Implement and Integrate Campaigns that Really. 2010. 260p. ISBN-13: 978-0749457044. (EN)
TELLIS, G. J. Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy. 1st ed. Prentice Hall. 1997. 475p.ISBN-13: 978-0321014115. (EN)
ZOLTNERS, A. A., PRABHAKANT S., LORIMER, S. E. Building a winning sales force: powerful strategies for driving high performance. AMACOM: New York. 2009. 477p. ISBN-13: 978-0-8144-1040-0. (EN)
Recommended reading
WILSON, L. Win-Win Selling - New Revised Edition: The Original 4-Step Counselor Approach for Building Long-Term Relationships with Buyers. Nova Vista Publishing. 2007,160p. ISBN:9789088720017 (EN)
YESHIN, T. Sales Promotion.Cengage Learning EMEA. 2006. 266p.ISBN13 (EAN): 9781844801619 (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Characterization of the current trade. Trade on the B2B, B2C and B2G markets. Specifications of the trade.
3. Structure of the trade. Trade in Czech Republic. Trade in the Internet period. Legal and ethical aspects of the trade.
4. Purchase management. Definition of the function of the purchase. Terminology. Objects and forms of the purchase. Models of the purchase. Logistic, marketing, informatic and administration of the purchase.
5. Research of purchase market. Purchase marketing mix.Conditions of purchase marketing.
6. Developing of customer-supplier relationships. Model of the functioning of the supply chain. Information flows between the functions of purchasing and other functional areas of the company.
7. Sales management. Role and importants of the sale. Sales activities. Sorts of the sales. Personal sales´ skills. Sales strategies. Sales techniques.
8. Preparation and organization of the sale. Selection, trainning and evaluation of salesman. Salesman and professionalism.
9. Consumer behaviour (B2B, B2C). Sales Relationship Management. Creating of supplier-customer relationship. Consumer protection.
10. Sale and integrated marketing communication. Sales and marketing planning. Process of communication, models. Communication strategy.
11. Personal sales and direct marketing. Sales teams and their role.
12. Advantages and development of direct marketing. Forms of direct marketing.
13. Strategy of sale promotion. Sale promotion and advertisement. Retail, wholesale, intermediary, customer.
Teacher / Lecturer
Trade on the B2B, B2C and B2G markets. Specifications of the trade.
Characterization of the current trade. Structure of the trade. Trade in Czech Republic. Trade in the Internet period. Legal and ethical aspects of the trade.
Logistic, marketing, informatic and administration of the purchase.
Sales management. Role and importants of the sale. Sales activities. Sales strategies.
Personal sales´ skills. Sales techniques.
Consumer behaviour (B2C, B2B)
Consumer protection.
Sale and integrated marketing communication. Sales and marketing planning.
process of communication, models.
Communication strategy. Sales promotion and advertising.