Course detail

Accounting of Public Sector Entities

FP-UusvsPAcad. year: 2022/2023

The course contains characteristics of public administration entities, duties of public administration entities in accounting and pays attention to the range of bookkeeping, accounting documents and entries and accounting books. The accent of the course is focused on accounting of fixed and other assets, payables and other liabilities, costs, revenues and profit.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Outcomes of the subject are:
- A theoretical knowledge of accounting in selected accounting entities
- Development of skills required for accounting for state and flow of assets, liabilities, expenses, revenues and profit in selected accounting entities
- Basic skills leading to compiling of financial statements in selected accounting entities and understanding the content and structure of accounting data contained in financial statements


Knowledge in the field of financial accounting.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures consist of an explanation of basic principles, the methodology of the given discipline, problems and their model solutions. The seminars support a practical mastery of the material presented in lectures or assigned for individual study.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

To be awarded the credit it is necessary to:
- complete all the seminars
- gain from the credit examination at least the classification grade "E"
For the examination:
- the student must gain a minimum classification grade of "E" in the written examination
- the overall classification grade for the student will be taken from the average of the assessment from the credit and written examinations (example: a credit examination graded "A", and examination graded "E", gives a resulting assessment of "C")
- in the event of an inconclusive result of the assessment the student will take a supplementary oral examination

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to the course, definition of main aspects public administration entities (selected accounting entities)
2. – 4. Legal regulation of accounting in selected accounting entities, i.e. government departments, state funds according to budgetary rules, local government bodies, voluntary associations of municipalities, regional cohesion councils, funded organisations and health insurance companies, related terms
5. – 6. Basic economic and accounting categories, statements of selected entities;
7. Fixed assets – classification, valuation, accounting for normal business operations;
8. Inventory – classification, valuation, accounting for normal business operations;
9. Current financial assets – classification, valuation, accounting for normal operations;
10. Sources of financing – classification, valuation, accounting for normal business operations;
11. Revenues and costs – classification, valuation, accounting for normal business operations;
12. Financial statements and statements of selected entities;
13. The use of financial statements for economic management.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The objective of the course is to gain a knowledge of accounting in the public sector, major differences between accounting of entrepreneurs and selected accounting entities, regulations that accounting entities are obliged to fulfil, accounts from accounts chart designated for selected accounting entities and about its relevance to ensure fulfilling of accounting objectives and about financial statements and operations linked to them in selected accounting entities.
In accordance with acquired knowledge it is also an aim of the course to gain basic skills for the accounting of assets, liabilities, expenses, revenues and profit in selected accounting entities and the skills of financial statement operations, as well as the possibilities of the use of accounting data for management.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance of students will be monitored at the seminars. Students will be familiarized at the first seminar with a possibility of replacing missed lessons, which will be properly excused by the tutor.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Zákon č. 563/1991 Sb. o účetnictví ve znění pozdějších předpisů (CS)
Vyhláška č. 410/2009 Sb., kterou se provádějí některá ustanovení zákona č. 563/1991 Sb., o účetnictví, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, pro některé vybrané účetní jednotky (CS)
České účetní standardy pro některé vybrané účetní jednotky, které vedou účetnictví podle vyhlášky č. 410/2009 Sb. (CS)

Recommended reading

KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. ÚZ č. 1064 - Účetnictví územních samosprávných celků, organizačních složek státu a příspěvkových organizací. Kontrola. Ostrava: Sagit, 2015. 416 s. ISBN 978-80-7488-092-6. (CS)
PROKŮPKOVÁ, D. a M. SVOBODA. Jak číst účetní výkazy vybraných účetních jednotek. 1. vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2014. 152 s. ISBN 978-80-7478-522-1. (CS)
KRBEČKOVÁ, M. a J. PLESNÍKOVÁ. FKSP sociální fondy, benefity a jiná plnění. 4. vyd. Olomouc: ANAG, 2014. 183 s. ISBN 978-80-7263-865-9. (CS)
MÁČE, M., D. PROKŮPKOVÁ a Z. MORÁVEK. Účetnictví pro územní samosprávné celky, příspěvkové organizace a organizační složky státu: aplikace v příkladech. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2012. 632 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3637-2. (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK Bachelor's

    branch BAK-UAD-D , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Charakteristika podvojného účetnictví a identifikace zásadních rozdílů mezi účetnictvím podnikatelů a vybraných účetních jednotek
2. Definice vybraných účetních jednotek
3. Právní úprava účetnictví vybraných účetních jednotek, jeho význam, základní pojmy
4. Pořízení, odepisování a vyřazení dlouhodobého majetku
5. Zásoby
6. Rozpočtové hospodaření, krátkodobý finanční majetek, krátkodobé úvěry a půjčky
7. Zúčtovací vztahy
8. Jmění, fondy, výsledek hospodaření, rezervy
9. Dlouhodobé závazky a pohledávky, závěrečné účty a zvláštní zúčtování
10.Vymezení a struktura nákladů a výnosů
11.Uzávěrkové operace
12.Účetní závěrka vybraných účetních jednotek
13.Závěry, požadavky na zkoušku


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Identification of fundamental differences between the accountancy of entrepreneurs and selected accounting entities, accounts and the fundamentals of accounting on accounts
2. Characteristics of account class 0 and accounting for fixed assets
3. Depreciation and disposal of fixed assets
4. Characteristics of account class 1 and inventory accounting
5. Characteristics of account class 2 and accounting for financial relations in various entities
6. Characteristics of account class 3 and accounting in clearing relationships
7. Characteristics of account class 4 and accounting for their specific features
8. Characteristics of account classes 5 and 6, the admissibility of their use and accounting for income and expenses
9. Characteristics of account class 7 and 8 and accounting possibilities
10. Characteristics of account class 9 and accounting for funds, income, long-term loans and borrowings and reserves
11. Account class 9 as balancing and off-balance sheet accounts, their use in practice
12. Closing the books and producing the financial statements
13. Credit