Course detail
Mathematical Analysis III
FSI-SA3Acad. year: 2022/2023
The course provides an introduction to the theory of infinite series and the theory of ordinary differential equations. These branches form the theoretical background in the study of many physical and engineering problems. The course deals with the following topics:
Number series. Function series. Power series. Taylor series. Fourier series.
Ordinary differential equations. First order differential equations. Higher order linear differential equations. Systems of first order linear differential equations. Stability theory.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Examination: The examination tests the knowledge of definitions and theorems (especially the ability of their application to the given problems) and practical skills in solving of examples. The exam is written and oral, the written part (90 minutes) consists of 12 test examples.
Topics of the written part: Number, function, power and Fourier series, ODEs and their properties, solving of ODEs via the infinite series method and the Laplace tranform method, orthogonal trajectories, stability, autonomous systems.
The final grade reflects the result of the written part of the exam (maximum 60 points) and the results achieved in seminars (maximum 40 points).
Grading scheme is as follows: excellent (90-100 points), very good (80-89 points), good (70-79 points), satisfactory (60-69 points), sufficient (50-59 points), failed (0-49 points).
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Fichtengolc, G.M.: Kurs differencialnogo i integralnogo isčislenija, tom III, Moskva, 1966.
Hartman, P.: Ordinary differential equations, New York, 1964.
Recommended reading
Čermák, J.: Sbírka příkladů z Matematické analýzy III a IV, Brno, 1998.
Kalas, J., Ráb, M.: Obyčejné diferenciální rovnice, Brno, 1995.
Ženíšek, A.: Vybrané kapitoly z matematické analýzy, Brno, 1997.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Function and power series. Types of the convergence and basic properties.
3. Taylor series and expansions of functions into Taylor series.
4. Fourier series. Problems of the convergence and expansions of functions.
5. ODE. Basic notions. Initial and boundary value problem.
6. Analytical methods of solving of 1st order ODE. The existence and uniqueness of solutions.
7. Higher order ODEs. Properties of solutions and methods of solving of higher order homogeneous linear ODEs.
8. Properties of solutions and methods of solving of higher order non-homogeneous linear ODEs.
9. Laplace transform and its use in solving of linear ODEs. The method of infinite series.
10. Boundary value problem for 2nd order ODEs.
11. Systems of 1st order ODEs. Properties of solutions and methods of solving of homogeneous linear systems of 1st order ODEs.
12. Properties of solutions and methods of solving of non-homogeneous linear systems of 1st order ODEs.
13. Stability of solutions of ODEs, autonomous systems, bifurcation, chaos.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Infinite series.
3. Function series.
4. Power series.
5. Taylor series.
6. Fourier series.
7. Analytical methods of solving of 1st order ODEs.
8. Applications of 1st order ODEs.
9. Higher order linear homogeneous ODEs.
10. Higher order linear non-homogeneous ODEs.
11. Applications of higher order linear ODEs.
12. Systems of 1st order linear homogeneous ODEs.
13. Systems of 1st order linear non-homogeneous ODEs.
Computer-assisted exercise
Teacher / Lecturer