Course detail
Technology (Metallurgy, Welding, Casting)
FSI-WTCAcad. year: 2022/2023
Metallurgy of the iron alloys. The basic technical information about production of iron from ores in the coke blast furnaces. The present production of steel in the oxygen converter and in electrical arc and induction furnaces. The main technologies used in a steel production. The continuous casting and ingot casting. The technology of grey, ductile and malleable cast irons. The furnaces used to the steel and cast iron production. Metallurgy of the non-ferrous alloys.
Types of foundry moulds. Moulding materials, moulding methods both for making moulds and cores. Non-permanent moulds according to the binders used - 1st - 3rd generation. Technology of permanent moulds. Pouring, solidification and cooling of the metals. Finishing operations and heat treatment of the castings. Quality control and simulations used in casting production. Additive technologies in foundry processes.
Welding and weldability of materials. The welding technologies, manual, automatic and arc welding, additional materials. The welding of ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals and alloys. The repair welding. The defects in metallurgical, foundry and welding processes.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
BEELEY,P.:"Foundry Technology", Oxford,2001 (EN)
BEELEY,P.-SMART,R.:"Investment casting",Cambridge,1995 (EN)
CAMPBELL, J.: „CastingsPractice“, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, 2004 (EN)
FLEMINGS, M.C.,Solidification Procesing. McGraw - Hill Book Company.
KOUKAL, Jaroslav a kolektiv autorů. Materiály a jejich svařitelnost: učební texty pro kurzy svářečských inženýrů a technologů. 2. upr. vyd. Ostrava: ZEROSS, 2001. ISBN 80-85771-85-3. (CS)
ONDREJČEK, Peter. Zváranie ocelí v ochrane plynov taviacou sa elektródou, 1. vyd. Bratislava: ETERNA PRESS, 2003. ISBN 80-968359-5-5. (SK)
PILOUS, V. – STRÁNSKÝ, K. Structural Stability of Deposits and Welded Joints in Power Engeneering. Gambridge International Science Publishing, Gambridge 1998.
SCHLEG,F.:"Technology of metalcasting",AFS, 2003 (EN)
TURKDOGAN, R. T. ,Fundamentals of Steelmaking.The Institute of Materials, London 1996.
TURŇA, Milan. Špeciálne metódy zvárania, 1vyd. Bratislava: ALFA, 1989. ISBN 80-05-000097-9 (SK)
Recommended reading
LEVÍČEK, P. – STRÁNSKÝ, K. Metalurgické vady ocelových odlitků. SNTL, Praha 1984.
RUSÍN, K. Teorie slévárenských procesů. SNTL, Praha 1990.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Technology of grey, ductile and special cast irons production. Metallurgy of the non-ferrous alloys. Trends in mettalurgy of foundry alloys
3. Introduction into history of casting technologies. basic principles of making castings.
4. Categories of foundry moulds. Non permanent moulds according to the binders used (1st - 3rd generation)
5. Technology of pouring into permanent moulds
6. Metal pouring, gating systems. Casting solidification and cooling.
7. Volumetric changes during solidification. Elimination of hot spots in casting.
8. Simulation of the foundry processes. Additive technologies in foundries.
9. Finishing operations and heat treatment of castings
10. Welding technologies: manual, automatic
11. Thermal cutting technologies and additive materials
12. Weldability of steels, irons and non-ferrous materials
13. Reclamation welding. Metallurgical, foundry and welding defects. Classification systems.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Exercise to: metallurgy of the ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
3. Exercise to: basic foundry technologies
4. Exercise to: non-permanent moulds - examples
5. Exercise to: pouring into permanent moulds
6. Exercise to: gating systems
7. Exercise to: hot spots in casting and their elimination
8. Exercise to: simulation of foundry processes.
9. Exercise to: casting quality control
10.Excercise to: welding technology, mechanical properties of welds and tesing
11. Exercise to: cutting by oxygen and plasma
12. Exercise to: weldability of different materials
13. Exercise to: classification systems of the welding defects.