Course detail
Bachelor Seminar
FSI-6AAcad. year: 2022/2023
Obsahem předmětu je seznámení studentů s celým cyklem vypracování bakalářské práce. Toto zahrnuje výběr tématu, formální zadaní práce, shromáždění a zpracování podkladů, vyřešení zadaného problému, zpracování výsledků do podoby bakalářské práce a splnění formálních požadavků. Nedílnou součástí je i odevzdání práce a její hodnocení. Studenti jsou rovněž seznámeni s průběhem státní závěrečné zkoušky, s přípravou prezentace a obhajobou bakalářské práce.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The student will learn to find relevant sources and cite them correctly. In addition, to produce a more extensive technical text.
General knowledge at the level of the first half of a bachelor's degree with a focus on mechanical engineering.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught in the form of a seminar.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Conditions for credit: active participation and completion of the credit test.
Course curriculum
Work placements
The aim of the seminar is to familiarize students with the requirements for the bachelor's thesis and the typical course of the state final examination. The aim is to enhance the necessary typographic, presentation skills of undergraduate students.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Participation is mandatory. Any absence must be excused. In the case of prolonged absence, it is the responsibility of the instructor to make up missed classes.
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
GASTEL, Barbara a Robert A. DAY. How to write and publish a scientific paper. Eighth edition. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, [2016]. ISBN 978-1-4408-4262-7. (EN)
GUSTAVII, Björn. How to Write and Ilustrate Scientific Papers. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-87890-6. (EN)
Recommended reading
KATUŠČÁK, Dušan, Barbora DROBÍKOVÁ a Richard PAPÍK. Jak psát závěrečné a kvalifikační práce: jak psát bakalářské práce, diplomové práce, dizertační práce, specializační práce, habilitační práce, seminární a ročníkové práce, práce studentské vědecké a odborné činnosti, jak vytvořit bibliografické citace a odkazy a citovat tradiční a elektronické dokumenty. Nitra: Enigma, c2008. ISBN 978-808-9132-706. (CS)
SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Soňa. Jak nepsat diplomovou práci. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2011. Günther. ISBN 978-80-244-2968-7. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- How to choose a bachelor thesis topic. FSI institutes, what they deal with. The importance of the bachelor thesis supervisor. Preliminary and final BP assignment and other administration.
- How to cite sources, standards, tools, CitationPro.
- How to search for sources. Faculty library and its services. University-wide library. Interlibrary loan service. How to get CSN standards.
- Search engines, Primo, Google Schoolar, Google Books. Electronic databases.
- Databases of scientific and scholarly articles, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, IEEE, SAE. Patent databases WIPO PatentScope, esp@cenet, IPT.
- Copyright, plagiarism, what is grey area.
- Software tools for working with sources, note taking, mind maps, work plan, important terms.
- Basics of typography, formal and graphic design of a bachelor thesis.
- Tools for writing text, Word, Google Doc, TEX. Tools for creating and editing images. How to make drawings.
- Formal and graphic editing of bachelor thesis, formulation of results, drawing documentation.
- Rector's directive and other regulations describe the formalities of the BP at the Brno University of Technology.
- The course of submission of the BP, preparation of the presentation for the defense of the BP, the course of the state final examination
- Credit test