Course detail
Engineering Mechanics
FSI-DTM-KAcad. year: 2022/2023
The course “Engineering mechanics” is subdivided into two branches: kinematics and dynamics. Kinematics is aimed at proper formulation of motion, i.e. the students have to be able to determine how to calculate trajectory and position of rigid body or a multi body system. Kinematics of a particle, planar kinematics and a three-dimensional rigid body motion are discussed in the introduction to the course. The graphical and numerical methods for solution of planar mechanism motion are treated. Step by step the students are led through the following areas of dynamics: basic axioms, general dynamics of a particle, dynamics of a system of particles, dynamics of rigid bodies, inertia moments of rigid bodies and dynamics of multi body systems. The fundamentals Newton's Laws are used for solving of practical tasks. The solving based on methods of analytical dynamics is presented too. Description, analysis and solving the fundamental characteristics of linear resonance system are treated.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
The course-unit credit is granted under the condition of active participation in seminars and passing the seminar tests of basic knowledge (at least 10 ECTS points out of 20 must be gained). The points gained in seminar tests are included in the final course evaluation.
Final examination: Written part of the examination plays a decisive role, where the maximum of 80 ECTS points can be reached. Solution of several computational problems is demanded. The problems come from typical profile areas of given subject and supplied by a theoretical question, proof, etc. The lecturer will specify exact demands like the number and types problems during the semester preceding the examination.
Final evaluation of the course is obtained as the sum of ECTS points gained in seminars and at the examination. To pass the course, at least 50 points must be reached.
Course curriculum
Work placements
Kinematics is based on formulation of trajectory, body motion, multi body systems and determination of kinematic quantities, position, velocity and acceleration. For simple mechanical systems, students learn to solve kinematics of mechanisms and analyse the velocity and acceleration of key points of multi body system.
Determination of the kinematic quantities is necessary for further dynamic solving. Dynamics is based on knowledge of solving multi body systems.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Hibbeler R.C.: Engineering Mechanics-Statics and Dynamics, , 0
Juliš K.,Brepta R. a kol.: Mechanika II.díl-Dynamika, , 0
Recommended reading
Kolektiv: Úlohy z kinematiky, , 0
Přikryl K.: kinematika, , 0
Slavík J.,Kratochvíl C.: Mechanika těles-Dynamika, , 0
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Kinematics of a particle - rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Circular and harmonic motion.
2. Kinematics of a body - translational, rotational and planar motion. Planar kinematics of rigid body in a mechanism.
3. Kinematics motion analysis of mechanisms - combined motion.
4. Kinematics of a coupled rotation. Spherical motion.
5. Dynamics of a particle. Dynamics of a system of particles.
6. Motion equations of rigid bodies - translation, rotational and planar motion.
7. Inertia moments. Balancing of rotors.
8. Dynamics of planar and spherical motion. Gyroscopes.
9. Dynamics of planar multi body systems. Newton's Law.
10. Dynamics of planar multi body systems. Lagrangian mechanics.
11. Oscillation with 1 DOF. Excited oscillation with 1 DOF. Kinematic excitation.
12. Linear and non-linear dynamic systems.
13. Experimental dynamics.
Guided consultation
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Kinematics of planar rigid body motion - Graphical analysis. Instantaneous centre of zero velocity.
2. Kinematics of planar mechanisms - Graphical analysis of combined motion.
3. Dynamics of particle. Dynamics of a system of particles. Laws of conservation.
4. Motion equations of rigid body motion. Newton's Law.
5. Motion equations of rigid body motion. Lagrangian mechanics.
6. Motion equation of a linear resonance system with 1 DOF. Undamped and damped systems.
7. Excited oscillations. Amplitude-frequency characteristic. Clearance calculation.