Course detail
Elaboration of Bachelor´s Thesis
FA-BPP-AAcad. year: 2023/2024
In this course, students work on their architectural and/or urban design of their Bachelor’s thesis. By elaboration of the Bachelor’s project, students demonstrate the acquired skills, abilities and knowledge required by the graduate profile. Students elaborate the technical, structural, and functional design of their assignment; in case of urban design, they also design transportation and/or other technical design for the assigned area. Students consult the technical aspects of the Bachelor’s project.
In the studio part, the student prepares the architectural and urban part of the bachelor's thesis according to the assignment, in the seminars he has the opportunity to consult its technical aspects with relevant specialists.
Through the expert lectures, the student gets to know newest construction techniques and the principles of technical design of specific constructions, elements and equipment in buildings.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The particular requirements are specified in the assignment of the Bachelor's thesis which the students receive in written form. The Bachelor's thesis must include:
Clearly-arranged location plan documenting the connections of the designed building or area to the urban structure of the locality (scale according to the type of the assignment – 1:5000; 1:2000; 1:1000). - ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN
Standard set of graphic materials/drawings that correspond with architectural or urban concept design (study): site plan; floor plans of all levels; sections – at least two; elevations of all facades; spatial design (perspectives, visualizations…) (scale according to the character of the assignment – 1:100; 1:200…). - INTERIOR
Individual design of a selected detail including materials, in case of urban design assignment it is interior of public urban space (scale – 1:50; 1:20; 1:10…). - STRUCTURAL-TECHNICAL DESIGN
- Cross-section through the proposed building in the scale 1:100 (or 1:50). The drawing will represent the foundation of the building, connection to the terrain, protection from the weather and elements, structural arrangement of the building, and roofing. The main structures will have specified the assemblies (namely the assembly of the floor on the terrain, above unheated storey, assembly of roof skin, assembly of external and basement walls…). The cross-section will contain the annotation of volumes, the legend of materials and basic dimensions.
(As defined by the supervisor – the cross-section of the construction detail in the scale 1:10 (1:5) complemented with technical description.) - Schematic axonometric visualisation of the load-bearing structure of the designed building including material solution. In case of urban design, the architectural-structural designis replaced by transportation and/or other technical design for the assigned area.
- Cross-section through the proposed building in the scale 1:100 (or 1:50). The drawing will represent the foundation of the building, connection to the terrain, protection from the weather and elements, structural arrangement of the building, and roofing. The main structures will have specified the assemblies (namely the assembly of the floor on the terrain, above unheated storey, assembly of roof skin, assembly of external and basement walls…). The cross-section will contain the annotation of volumes, the legend of materials and basic dimensions.
- Introductory information – identification of the building.
- Author's report in scope of 2 standard pages.
- Technical report (basic information characterising the development and its future operation; overview of the initial data and materials and the compliance with them; justification of the design goals; design conception; architectural concept of the design; comprehensive technical report). In the technical description, students will provide structural design, supply with energies, technical equipment of the building, and will justify the structural and architectural design, will evaluate the building in terms of sustainable development, and will estimate the total building costs of the building.
In the seminar part, the student must actively attend at least 3 of the 5 seminars. Replacement of missed seminars is possible with another study group.
Attendance at lectures is not controlled. Lectures are non-refundable. .
- The student acquires the ability to develop the documentation of architectural or urban concept design.
- The student acquires principles of spatial design with adequate operational, structural and urban design interconnections according to the specific type of the assignment.
- The student is able to understand the context of a place and reflect it in their design.
- The student knows the basic standard requirements for designing buildings and is able to apply them in the design.
- The student acquires the ability to design architectural and operational proposal for various types of buildings and for a whole range of requirements on operation with an adequate number of functions.
- The student is able to adequately select a structural system suitable for the given designed building or complex of buildings.
- The student is able to think critically about the complex concept of the technical design of the solved building or group of buildings.
- The student gains orientation in specific and advanced technical design principles.
- Student bude schopen lépe navrhovat stavebně a technologicky vyspělé budovy s pozitivním dopadem na jejich energetickou efektivnost, zdravotní nezávadnost a bezpečnost při užívání.
- The student improves skills in designing structurally and technologically advanced buildings with a positive impact on their energy efficiency, health safety and safety during use..
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
- compulsory prerequisite
History of Architecture 1 – Introduction - compulsory prerequisite
History of Architecture 2 - compulsory prerequisite
History of Architecture 3 - compulsory prerequisite
History of Architecture 4 - compulsory prerequisite
Urban Design History - compulsory prerequisite
Theory of Architecture 2 – Composition - compulsory prerequisite
Theory of Architecture 1 – Introduction - compulsory prerequisite
Theory of Architecture 1 – Introduction - compulsory prerequisite
Theory of Architecture 3 - compulsory prerequisite
History of Art - compulsory prerequisite
History of Art - compulsory prerequisite
Interior - compulsory prerequisite
Urban Design Composition - compulsory prerequisite
Basics of Architecture - compulsory prerequisite
Studio – Small House - compulsory prerequisite
Studio – Large House - compulsory prerequisite
Studio – Town and Place - compulsory prerequisite
Studio – Free Assignment 1 - compulsory prerequisite
Studio – Free Assignment 1 - compulsory prerequisite
Building Elements 1
Basic literature
ČERMÁKOVÁ, Barbora a Radka MUŽÍKOVÁ. Ozeleněné střechy. Praha: Grada, 2009. Stavitel. ISBN 978-80-247-1802-6. (CS)
GEBAUER, Günter, Olga RUBINOVÁ a Helena HORKÁ. Vzduchotechnika. 2. vyd. Brno: ERA, 2007. Technická knihovna (ERA). ISBN 978-80-7366-091-8. (CS)
CHALOUPKA, Karel a Zbyněk SVOBODA. Ploché střechy: praktický průvodce. Praha: Grada, 2009. Stavitel. ISBN 978-80-247-2916-9. (CS)
KUKLÍK, Petr a Jiří STUDNIČKA. Dřevěné a kovové konstrukce: pro SPŠ stavební. Praha: Informatorium, 2006. ISBN 978-807-3330-477. (CS)
KUPILÍK, Václav. Stavební konstrukce z požárního hlediska. Praha: Grada, 2006. Stavitel. ISBN 80-247-1329-2. (CS)
MASOPUST, Jan. Rizika prací speciálního zakládání staveb. Praha: Pro Asociaci dodavatelů speciálního zakládání staveb a Českou komoru autorizovaných inženýrů a techniků činných ve výstavbě vydalo Informační centrum ČKAIT, 2011. Technická knižnice (ČKAIT). ISBN 978-808-7438-107. (CS)
MASOPUST, Jan. Zakládání staveb 1. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015. ISBN 978-800-1058-374. (CS)
MASOPUST, Jan. Zakládání staveb 2. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2016. ISBN 978-800-1059-388. (CS)
MINKE, Gernot. Zelené střechy: plánování, realizace, příklady z praxe. Ostrava: HEL, 2001. ISBN 80-861-6717-8. (CS)
NEUFERT, Ernst a Peter NEUFERT. Navrhování staveb: zásady, normy, předpisy o zařízeních, stavbě, vybavení, nárocích na prostor, prostorových vztazích, rozměrech budov, prostorech, vybavení, přístrojích z hlediska člověka jako měřítka a cíle. 2. české vyd., (35. něm. vyd.). Praha: Consultinvest, 2000, 618 s. : il., plány. ISBN 80-901486-6-2. (CS)
NEZNAL, Matěj a Martin NEZNAL. Ochrana staveb proti radonu. Praha: Grada, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-3065-3. (CS)
NOVOTNÝ, Marek, Ivan MISAR a Stanislav ŠUTLIAK. Hydroizolace plochých střech: poruchy střešních plášťů. Praha: Grada, 2014. Stavitel. ISBN 978-802-4750-026. (CS)
POKORNÝ, Marek a Petr HEJTMÁNEK. Požární bezpečnost staveb: sylabus pro praktickou výuku. 2. přepracované vydání. V Praze: České vysoké učení technické, 2018. ISBN 978-80-01-06394-1. (CS)
TURČEK, Peter. Zakládání staveb. Bratislava: Jaga, 2005. ISBN 80-807-6023-3. (CS)
Vyhláška č. 268/2009 Sb. o technických požadavcích na stavby (CS)
Vyhláška č. 398/2009 Sb. o obecných technických požadavcích zabezpečujících bezbariérové užívání staveb (CS)
Recommended reading
Detail Engineering – series. Detail, 2011. ISBN: 978-3920034867. (EN)
Detail. Review of architecture and construction details. München: Detail Business Information GmbH, 1961. ISSN: 1614-4600. (EN)
GEHL, Jan. Města pro lidi. Brno: Partnerství, 2012, xi, 261 s. : il. (převážně barev.), plány ; 26 cm. ISBN 978-80-260-2080-6. (CS)
LYNCH, Kevin, Lenka POPELOVÁ a Jaroslav HUŤA. Obraz města = The image of the city. Praha: Polygon, 2004, xi, 202 s. : il., plány. ISBN 80-7273-094-0. (CS)
NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian, Petr KRATOCHVÍL a Pavel HALÍK. Genius loci: krajina, místo, architektura. 2. vyd. Praha: Dokořán, 2010, 219 s. : il., mapy, plány ; 25 cm. ISBN 978-80-7363-303-5.nius loci (CS)
OSWALT, Philipp. Shrinking cities. New York: Distributed by D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2006. ISBN ISBN978-3-7757-1682-6. (CS)
SITTE, Camillo a Vladimír BURIÁNEK. Stavba měst podle uměleckých zásad. 2. české vyd. ÚÚR : ABF, 2012, 111 s. : il., 1 portrét, plány, faksim. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-80-87318-21-8. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme B_A+U Bachelor's 4 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
specialization --- (do 2022) , 4 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Studio work
Teacher / Lecturer
MgA. Svatopluk Sládeček
Ing. arch. Marek Štěpán
Ing. arch. Radek Toman, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. arch. Helena Zemánková, CSc.
Ing. arch. Jaroslav Sedlák, Ph.D.
Ing. arch. Diana Hodulíková
Ing. arch. Vítězslav Nový
Ing. arch. Petra Žalmanová, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. arch. Ivo Boháč, Ph.D.
Ing. arch. Luboš Františák, Ph.D.
Ing. arch. Jan Kratochvíl
Mag. arch. Oleksii Bykov
Ing. arch. Nicol Galeová
MArch Ryan Manton
Ing. arch. Lucie Šmídová
Ing. arch. Jiří Marek
doc. Ing. arch. Jiří Palacký, Ph.D.
mgr inź. arch Szymon Rozwalka
Teacher / Lecturer
- Analýza místa a zadání, exkurze, práce na konceptu
- Práce na architektonickém, provozním, konstrukčním a/nebo urbanistickém řešení
- Finalizace projektu, práce na prezentaci projektu
Teacher / Lecturer
- Vegetační střechy a fasády, problematika hospodaření a akumulace srážkové vody
- Ploché střechy a specifika jejich odvodnění, provozní ploché střechy, střechy sklonité
- Hlubinné a speciální zakládání staveb
- Vícepodlažní podzemní objekty a jejich založení, stavební jámy v městské zástavbě
- Metody hydroizolace staveb klasické i speciální, technologie provádění, sanace poruch, radon
- Požární bezpečnost výškových a provozně specifických budov
- Dopravně technická řešení v objektech a přilehlém okolí, napojení na pozemní komunikace
- Přírodní stavební materiály, konstrukce z dřevěných lepených prvků
- Moderní vzduchotechnické systémy obytných, občanských a průmyslových stavebaci projektu