Course detail

Systems and Processes

FP-IspPAcad. year: 2023/2024

Introduction, motivation, sorts of signals. Continuous-time signals, Fourier transform, frequency spectrum. Linear continuous-time systems, input-output description. Stability of continuous- time systems. Discrete-time signals, sampling. Discrete Fourier transform, spectrum. Linear discrete-time systems, input-output description. Stability of discrete-time systems.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

Basic knowledge from the mathematics (algebra, differential calculus, differential equations).

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

20 points at small semester tests,
10 points at project,
70 points at semester exam (only written)
The attendance at lectures is not compulsory. PC exercises are mandatory, attendance is controlled. The teacher can excuse one absence from seminars - student will be given especially homework which can be grade up to 5 points (but at least 3 points). Points are not included in the total score.
PC exercises are focused on programming in MATLAB. During the semester there are 4 written tests each for up to 5 points, for a total of 20 points in the PC exercises. If a student has absence at this PC exercises, in which written test takes place, are points from the above specified homework included. There is allowed official Pomůcka 3 for the written test.
The maximum number of points for PC exercises is 20 (during the exercise, the teacher can grant additional bonus points as a separate activity or exercise solving problems like a total maximum of 10 points for the entire semester).
In the 10th week of the semester the student is given a separate project for 10 points. That this The project was recognized if student obtain min. 5 points. The project has to be submitted in the credit week. Note: Students who have the Individual Study Plan (studying semester abroad) do not attend lectures, have to deliver a special stand-alone project for getting the credit. For this particular project they can get 30 points.


To acquaint with the fundamentals of signals and systems with the continuous and discrete time. Learn to apply the fundamentals to real signals and systems.
A student is able to apply the fundamentals of the signals and systems theory.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

P. Jura: Systémy a procesy, elektronické skriptum FP, 2013 (CS)

Recommended reading

Pomůcka3 (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MGR-SI Master's

    branch MGR-IM , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Základní pojmy z oblasti signálů a systémů, a to jak spojitých tak i diskrétních.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Základní principy programovacího prostředí Matlab, práce s vektory, grafické výstupy. Reprezentace signálů v prostředí Matlab, základní manipulace se signály, diskrétní Fourierova řada, zobrazení a význam spektra. Reprezentace spojitých a diskrétních systémů- použití prostředí Simulink a knihoven. Odezvy základních systémů na jednoduché vstupní signály a jejich grafické zobrazení.