Course detail
International Business Law
FP-meopPAcad. year: 2023/2024
The aim of this cours is to acquaint students with selected issues of business relations with the international element, legal regulation of international business transactions, dispute resolution, competition regulation, business corporation law and consumer protection.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
Students are expected to have general knowledge of law at university bachelor school level.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
A course-unit credit is not awarded for this course.
The exam has a written form. It is a test with questions. The classification of this module is in accordance with the rules of the Faculty of Business and Management.
Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. The course includes lectures only; there are no seminars.
The exam has a written form. It is a test with questions. The classification of this module is in accordance with the rules of the Faculty of Business and Management.
Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. The course includes lectures only; there are no seminars.
The aim of the course is to introduce students with selected issues of business relations with the international element, legal regulation of international business transactions, dispute resolution, competition regulation, business corporation law and consumer protection.
Students will be made familiar with business relations with an international element, they will acquire appropriate terminology and will be able to work with international contracts.
Students will be made familiar with business relations with an international element, they will acquire appropriate terminology and will be able to work with international contracts.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
ROZEHNALOVÁ, N. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. 3., aktualizované a dopl. vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer Česká republika, 2010. ISBN 9788073575625.
Recommended reading
CHUAT, J. C. T. Law of International Trade. Westminster Sweet and Maxwell, 2009. ISBN 978-1-84703-344-4.
KUČERA, Z., K. RŮŽIČKA a M. PAUKNEROVÁ. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk s.r.o., 2015. ISBN 978-80-7380-550-0.
KUČERA, Z., K. RŮŽIČKA a M. PAUKNEROVÁ. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk s.r.o., 2015. ISBN 978-80-7380-550-0.
Classification of course in study plans