Course detail
History of Economic Theories
FP-KdetPAcad. year: 2023/2024
The subject History of Economic Theories extends the knowledge of students gained within the subjects of Macroeconomics 1 and Microeconomics 1 in bachelor study programs. The subject is focused on the development of economic theories, in context of a deeper understanding of current economic phenomena. The subject contributes to forming students' economic thinking.
The content of the subject is the development of economic theories from the beginning of mankind to the present, with a deeper focus on the main economic stream. An integral part is the monitoring of current economic information and trends.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The scale of the resulting classification:
A: 90-100 points
B: 80-89 points
C: 70-79 points
D: 60-69 points
E: 50-59 points
F: less than 50 points
Control of students' attendance and results is fully in competence of the teacher.
After finishing the course students should be able to understand theoretical basis and principles of economics, in context of contemporary problems.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KUČEROVÁ, V.; NAVRÁTILOVÁ, P. Makroekonomie II - Vývoj ekonomického myšlení. Brno: CERM, 2008. ISBN: 978-80-214-3742- 5.; KUČEROVÁ, V.; NAVRÁTILOVÁ, P. Dějiny ekonomického myšlení. přepracované vydání, 2016.
SOJKA, M. Dějiny ekonomických teorií. Praha: JUDr. Karel Havlíček - Havlíček Brain Team, 2010. 544 s. ISBN 978-80-87109-21-2.
Recommended reading
SOJKA, M. Kdo byl kdo, světoví a čeští ekonomové. 1. vyd. Praha: Libri, 2002. 327 s. ISBN 80-7277-055-1.
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BAK-EP Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, elective
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Ancient economic thinking, ancient philosophy and its influence on the further formation of economic theories.
3. Medieval economic system and medieval economic thinking, scholasticism.
4. Merkantilism, the first comprehensive economic system and its influence on the formation of quantitative theory of money.
5. Economic directions of the 17th - 18th centuries, the beginnings of capitalism and the formation of theories preceding the Classic Political Economy.
6. Beginnings of Mainstream Economics, Industrial Revolution, Physiocratism, Classical Political Economics and its most important theories.
7. Marginalist Revolution and the development of New Classical Political Economy.
8. Economic directions outside the main economic stream, German Historical School, French Socialism, Marxism, and their influence on the formation of economic systems.
9. Great economic crisis and Keynesianism, its formation, the importance of the visible hand of the state, and the influence on the economic directions.
10. Neo-Keynesianism and the Keynesian crisis as the basis for the entry of Monetarism into the main economic stream.
11. Monitarism, its evolution, influence, form and importance in contemporary economic theories.
12. Development of contemporary economic directions and solutions of current economic issues.
13. Czech economic thinking and important facts that formed the contemporary Czech economic system.