Course detail
Professional Experience 1
FP-KopxzPAcad. year: 2023/2024
Professional economic practice 1 is a compulsory part of the study programme with a duration of 110 hours in the winter semester of the 3rd year. The students choose the organisation and date of the internship themselves according to the topic of the Bachelor's thesis. The internship should serve to get acquainted with the issues of the topic of the bachelor thesis, while the student should obtain the necessary documents for the analytical or design part of his/her final thesis.
The course is designed to test the theoretical knowledge acquired in the basic subjects of the field in practice, in the form of internships in industrial and administrative organizations. The acquired skills and information in relation to practical cooperation with a specific organization should lead to the elaboration of the bachelor thesis.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
The course is related to all previously studied courses in economics, accounting, finance and marketing.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The student chooses the entity of his/her choice in which he/she will perform the professional economic practice. An "Internship Agreement" must be concluded with this entity prior to the start of the internship.
Credit is awarded on the basis of the maintenance of a "Practice Logbook", which will be considered as evidence of the application of the knowledge and skills acquired. The number of entries in the work experience diary shall be a minimum of five. In the entry, the student shall detail what activities he/she performed on a given day.
Students submit documents about the internship through the IS BUT in Brno, in the e-learning section.
The practice supervisor can check the student's practice in the organisation by enquiring with the responsible member of staff.
The professional economic practice and its content must be related to the focus of the chosen study programme. In the course of the internship, the student should apply the knowledge and skills he/she has acquired during his/her studies at university in the specific conditions of the business sphere or legislative environment. They will get acquainted with practical examples of a given organisation, from which the student can draw, for example, in the preparation of a bachelor thesis.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
MUŽÍK, J. Profesní vzdělávání dospělých. 1. vyd. Wolters Kluwer , 2012, 263 s. ISBN 978-80-7357-738-4.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BAK-EP Bachelor's 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit