Course detail
Entrepreneurial Practice 4
FP-BEPR4EDAcad. year: 2023/2024
Subjects Entrepreneurial Practice 1,2,3 and 4 constitute a logical coherent unit, ensuring continuous development of entrepreneurial and managerial skills. Entrepreneurial Practice. Entrepreneurial Practice 4 focuses on knowledge and skills necessary in the stage of growth and stabilization of the company as well as in the stage of termination of business activity, if applicable. Thus, key aspects of this part of the practice will include finalization of business sub-projects, evaluation of potential of company development and knowledge of procedures for termination of business activity. As the part of individual and team study plans, students will co-create their business specialization. Identically, these plans will help to control fulfilment of practical requirements. Link between practical training and ability to develop acquired knowledge is supported by workshops, developing areas corresponding with the current stage of life-cycle of the company. Thus, workshops will serve as a planned specialized development of people inside the company.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Course is evaluated with grade credit.
There are five areas evaluated:
• Business projects – 40% of evaluation (up to 40 points)
• Team company development – 10% of evaluation (up to 10 points)
• Team sessions – 25% of evaluation (up to 25 points)
• Self-learning – 15% of evaluation (up to 15 points)
• ESBD program development – 10% of evaluation (up to 10 points)
Detailes are in module booklet (e-elarning).
Participation at the team sessions and other activities is compulsory, controlled and it is included in the final evaluation. Students can miss up to five team sessions per semester including exam period, except the final session focused on evaluation. Those five absences can be compensated by extra projects and tasks defined by the guide. This compensation must be delivered in the end of the credit week latest. If not compensated, the final score will be reduced for two points per each missed sessions.
ABSENCE EXCEEDING FIVE SESSIONS means that student WILL NOT PASS the course Entrepreneurial Practice.
If student miss more than five sessions because of health reasons (must deliver doctors certificate) or because of serious personal reasons, he/she must ask for an individual study plan. Nevertheless, individual study plan is not guaranteed!
Students are evaluated on the base of active participation – that means preparation of topics, materials, working on cases, discussions etc.
Students with an individual study plan must discuss detail requirements with lecturer and their team before the start of semester.
Close interconnection between Entrepreneurial Practice 1,2,3 and 4 is vitally important from the point of development of knowledge and competencies of students.
Specific fields of development within Entrepreneurial Practice 4 are as follows: development of knowledge and skills for economic and financial aspects of termination of business projects and identification of strategic potential of development of the small company. Students will practically train activities related to tax, accounting, and legal aspects of business activity. Students will develop analytical skills necessary for business activities in the global environment. Students will gain practical experience in the area of management of relations with various groups of stakeholders. Students will practically train formulation of strategy of development of the small company. Students will be able to clearly formulate potential of development of the business company and choose approach to finalization of business activities. Students will be able to solve termination of activity of small and medium-sized company.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HITT, M.A., IRELAND, R.D. and R.E. HOSKISSON. Strategic Management - Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases. 12th ed. South-Western College Pub, 2017. 896 p. ISBN 978-1-305-50214-7.
ROPER, S. Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective (Routledge Masters in Entrepreneurship). 1st ed. Routledge, 2012. 168 p. ISBN 0415695538.
Recommended reading
KANDER, D. All In Startup: Launching a New Idea When Everything Is on the Line. 1st ed. Wiley, 2014. 304 p. ISBN 1118857666.
KAPFERER, J.N. The New Strategic Brand Management: Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking (New Strategic Brand Management: Creating & Sustaining Brand Equity). 5th ed. Kogan Page, 2012. 512 p. ISBN 0749465158.
WÖRDEMANN, W., BUCHHOLZ, A. and N. WILEY. The Impossible Advantage: Winning the Competitive Game by Changing the Rules. 1st ed. Wiley, 2009. 220 p. ISBN 0470717122.
Classification of course in study plans