Course detail
FSI-OAE-AAcad. year: 2023/2024
The goal of the course is to familiarise students with principles of aeroelasticity for atmospheric aircraft. General introduction to problems of interaction between elastic body and fluid flow. Torsional divergence. Control surface reverse. Vibrations of aircraft structures. Modes of motion. Non-stationary aerodynamics. Buffeting. Flutter. General equations of the elastic wing motion. Critical speed solution. Applications to aircraft design.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
90% participation in exercises, presentation of all reports to problems from exercises.
Using simple calculation methods, students will learn to consider qualitatively and quantitatively the conceptual and structural setting of a designed aircraft regarding its aeroelastic characteristics and behaviour.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Försching,H.W.: Grundlagen der Aeroelastik, 0
Fung,Y.C.: An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, 0
Recommended reading
Daněk,V.:: Výpočtová cvičení z aeroelasticity, , 0
Fung,Y.C.: An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, 0
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Free vibration. Methods of analysis.
3. Bending and torsion vibration of wing structure.
4. Combinated bendig-torsion vibration.
5. Torsion divergence. Conditions. 2D tasks.
6. Three-dimensional case of torsion divergence.
7. Aileron reverse. Conditions. Influence of wing sweep angle on static aeroelastic effect.
8. Basics of non-stationary aeroddynamics.
9. Dynamic aeroelastic effects.
10. Principle of bending-torsion flutter. 2D and 3D cases.
11. Methods of critical flutter speed calculation.
12. Experimental aeroelasticity.
13. Cetification procedures of aeroelasactic resistivity.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Calculation of rigid body and systems of bodies vibration.
3. Calculation of natural frequency of harmonic bending vibration by Rayleigh method.
4. Calculation of natural frequency of harmonic torsion vibration by Rayleigh method.
5. Calculation of critical speed of torsion divergence - 2D case.
6. Calculation of critical speed of torsion divergence - 3D case.
7. Influence of excentricity on critical speed of torsion divergence.
8. Calculation of critical speed of aileron reverse - 2D case.
9. Calculation of critical speed of aileron reverse - 3D case.
10. Calculation of natural frequency of harmonic bending - torsion vibration by Galerkin method.
11. Calculation of flutter critical speed of straight wing.
12. Exemplar calculation by system MSC.Nastran.