Course detail
Operation and Economy of Air Devices I
FSI-OP1Acad. year: 2023/2024
The course is focused on defining the position and tasks of the aircraft use in the national economy, the characteristics of individual transport disciplines, tasks performed using of the aircraft in the structure of the national economy, organization and management of civil aviation, national and supranational organizations, technical operation of aircraft , air transport, contracts and tariffs used in civil aviation and special aviation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Examination: written and oral theoretical and practical mastery of the topics discussed.
Exercises are compulsory, and the attendance (90% at the minimum) is recorded. The absence (in justifiable cases) can be compensated by personal consultation with the lecturer and elaboration of individually assigned topics and exercises. Individual tasks must be finished and handed in the credit week at the latest.
Courses outcomes enables students to orientate in problems of operation technology and aplication of aircraft technology in particular areas of civil aviation.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Průša, J., Svět letecké dopravy, Praha 2016
Sedláček, B.,Letecká doprava, Žilina 2000
Recommended reading
Průša, J., Svět letecké dopravy, Praha 2016
Sedláček,B.: Provoz a ekonomika letecké dopravy I
Strejček,J.a kol.: Léta létání
Trebichavský,F.,Chvátal,F.: Prevádzka a ekonomika leteckej dopravy
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Situation and role of transport in the national economy.
3. Transport system.
4. Situation and role of particular transport modes.
5. Air transport in the Czech Republic.
6. International civil aviation organizations.
7. Organization and controlling of civil aviation in the Czech Republic.
8. Technical service of aircrafts.
9. Technical preparation of the new operation.
10. Air transport technology of persons.
11. Cargo Air transport technology.
12. Mail Air transport technology .
13. Agreements and tariffs.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Differences of transport and transport process; Meteorological elements.
3. Social goals of transport; Meteorological phenomena .
4. Transport system; Distribution of meteorological elements with elevation.
5. Characteristics of particular transport modes; Temporal course of selected meteorological elements.
6. Relation of air transport to the other transport modes and to the fields of national economy; Surface and upper-air weather charts .
7. Air transport engineering and economy; Description and analysis of surface pressure field .
8. Development of the aviation and air transport; Aviation meteorological reports.
9. International civil aviation organizations; Aviation meteorological international codes.
10. Organization of civil aviation in the Czech Republic; Meteorological station .
11. Technical service of the aircrafts; Meteorological radar station.
12. Economic aspects of the air transport; Cloudiness. Cloud origin and their classification. Determination of height of cloud base. Flight conditions in various clouds. Icing phenomena. Atmospheric electricity.
13. International and inter-company provision of the air transport; Aviation meteorological service, briefing and documentation.