Course detail
Operation and Economy of Air Devices II
FSI-OP2Acad. year: 2023/2024
Subject PELD II is to familiarize students with the impact of air traffic on the economy of aviation technology, a method for direct operational costs, profitability and profit impact of air transport on the environment, air traffic over short distances, mass and mass air transport, supersonic air transport forecasts and perspectives of development of air transport.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Lectures and exercises are compulsory, and the attendance (80% at the minimum) is controlled and recorded. The absence (in justifiable cases) can be compensated after personal consultation with the lecturer and elaboration of individually assigned topics and exercises. Individual assignments must be finished and handed in the credit week at the latest.
Students will become familiar with the possibilities of the use of aircraft technology, by selecting the renewal and the fleet of aircraft operator expansion , fleet composition and deployment on various tracks surrender. They learn how to organize the operation of aircraft technology, so that the effects on the environment.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Průša, J., Svět letecké dopravy, Praha 2016
Sedláček, B.,Letecká doprava, Žilina 2000
Recommended reading
Průša, J., Svět letecké dopravy, Praha 2016
Sedláček,B.: Provoz a ekonomika letecké dopravy II
Strejček,J.a kol.: Léta létání
Trebichavský,F.,Chvátal,F.: Prevádzka a ekonomika leteckej dopravy
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Special aerial works.
3. Aircraft economy.
4. Costs and revenues.
5. Basic technical and economic indicators.
6. Economical efficiency of investments.
7. Comparative methods of direct operating costs.
8. Profitability, profit, self-sufficiency point.
9. Environmental aspects of air transport.
10. Technology of the short range air transport.
11. Technology of the high capacity air transport.
12. Technology of the Supersonic air transport.
13. Using of aircrafts lighter than air.
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Helicopters in aerial works.
3. Aircraft economy.
4. Costs and revenues.
5. Basic technical and economic indicators.
6. Economical efficiency of investments.
7. Comparative methods of direct operating costs.
8. Profitability, profit, self-sufficiency point.
9. Environmental aspects of air transport.
10. Short range air transport.
11. Mass air transport.
12. Supersonic air transport.
13. Using of aircrafts lighter than air.