Course detail
Aircraft Testing
FSI-OZK-AAcad. year: 2023/2024
Division of tests and specialties of aircraft testing. Basic metrological operation, measurement equipments in aerospace engineering. Calibration of instruments. Measurement of basic aircraft characteristics, aerodynamic correction. Preparing in flight test and aircraft before flight test. Measurement of flight performance and characteristics. Reduction measurement values to ISA. Static and dynamic strength tests of aircraft structures. Proposal and importance static and dynamic test. Equipment for implementation of test, measured instruments. Test of pressure cabin. Strain gauge measurements.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Exercises are compulsory. It is possible to compensate missed exercises (in justified cases) by elaborating of a substitute assignment.
Organization and preparation of atmospheric aircraft in-flight tests. Organization of strength tests. Distribution of loading and design test equipment and test program. Bonding strain gauges and measurement strain. Acquiring theory, experience, measurement.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Kljačko,M.D.- Arnautow,E.V.:: Letnyje pročnostnyje ispytanija samoletov, , 0
Vedrov,V.C.- Tajc,M,A.:: Letnyje ispytanija samoletov, , 0
Recommended reading
Drexler.J.a kol.: Pevnost a zkoušky leteckých konstrukcí, , 0
Vedrov,V.C.- Tajc,M,A.:: Letnyje ispytanija samoletov, , 0
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. View of measurement quantity, measurement methods and measurement errors
3. Flight speed measurement, aerodynamic correction of Pitot static system
4. Measurement of flight performance, climbing speed, polar lines
5. Methods of reduction measurement values to ISA
6. Measurement methods of flight characteristics, stability and controllability
7. Purpose and importance of static and dynamic tests
8. Laboratory equipment
9. Test planning, test preparation
10. Testing of cabin pressure, lending gear, etc.
11. Calculation of loading distribution system
12. Measurement of strength and strain
13. Data evaluation, reports and protocols
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Strain and stress measurement on a specimen
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Calibration curves
3. Measurement of pressure
4. Measurement of temperature
5. Flight speed measurement, aerodynamic correction of Pitot static system
6. Reduction measurement values to ISA
7. Plotting measured stability and place aerodynamic centre
8. Illustration dynamic test
9. Calculation of loading distribution system
10. Bonding strain gauges
11. Plotting measured data and protocol