Course detail
CNC Technologies of Machining
FSI-9CTOAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course is focused on advanced CNC manufacturing production. Optimal selection and strategy for machining. Cutting tools, wear and machining parameters. Time consumption and integrity of machined surfaces. Technological routes, for Sinumerik 810D/Heidenhain iTNC530 systems. Optimization of the process from the point of maximum production rate and minimum costs is solved in graphical and numerical ways. Writting of macros and special parameter subroutines.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Recommended participations in lessons. Compulsory and checked participations in exercises and labs.According to the studied topic some lessons will be practicals - carried out in the lab, and some will be focused on the theory - calculations carried out in the classroom in a seminar form. Absence from seminars should be substituted individually by the agreement with the teacher.
Students are trained in CNC programming and other aspects of NC machining. They will be able to define technological processes of manufacturing methods and be able to control systems using Sinumerik 810D and Heidenhain TNC 310 in English.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KRUTH, J.P., LAUWERS, B., DOTREMONT, J., DEJONGHE, P. Optimised NC-toolpath generation for 5-axis machining of complex surfaces. Machining impossible shapes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 343-350, ISBN 0-412-84680-2. (EN)
Michael Fitzpatrick, Keith Smith: Machining and CNC Technology. ISBN 10 1259827445, ISBN 13 978-1259827440. McGraw-Hill Education. May 2018. 4th Edition. pp. 864 (EN)
Smid, P.: A Comprehensive Guide to Practical CNC Programming. Industrial Press Inc., Second Ed., 2003,pp. 506, ISBN 0-8311-3158-6 (EN)
Siemens AG: Návody k programování. Návod k obsluze. 4. vydání, Erlangen, SIEMENS a.s., 2000, 469 s.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Tool materials for CNC machining.
3. Wear of cutting tools, forms and physical mechanisms.
4. Measurement of tool loading when cutting.
5. Technology of turning. Turning operations a tooling.
6. Technology of drilling. Drilling operations a tooling
7. Technology of milling. Machining operations a tooling.
8. Fundamentals of CNC programming - SINUMERIK 810D.
9. Methods of programme generation. Graphical simulation of a programme.
10. CNC machining cycles. Machining of complex curves and surfaces.
11. CNC work schedule and sequence of cutting operations, tooling and machine set up list.
12. Fundamentals of FV 25CNC/ Hedenhain TNC 310 programming.
13. DNC programming of FV 25CNC/ Hedenhain TNC 310.