Course detail
Experimental Methods in Forming
FSI-9EMTAcad. year: 2023/2024
The course deals with the specialized methods of measuring and evaluating attendant phenomena in metal-forming. They include mechanical testing, qualitative and quantitative evaluation of measuring of metal-forming and ejecting forces, resistance to plastic strain, strain rates and temperature. The evaluation is dealt with from the viewpoint of individual methods of metal-forming and the operating conditions of the tool. Also discussed is the application of the methods of light and electron microscopy when assessing the morphology of the surface of tools and formed pieces.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Students will be able to creatively participate in conducting and evaluating experiments required in the technological processes of metal-forming. They will be cognizant of the necessary measuring methods and equipment with automated outputs and evaluation using computer technology.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ASM International. ASM Handbook : Mechanical Testing. S.L. Semiatin. 1st edition. Materials Park Ohio. ASM, 1985. 892 sv. Vol. 8. ISBN 0-87170-708-X. (EN)
CHEN, Weinong W. Split Hopkinson (Kolsky) bar: design, testing and applications. New York: Springer, c2011. Mechanical engineering series. ISBN 978-1-4419-7981-0. (EN)
Meyers, Marc, André. Dynamic Behaviour of Materials. John Wiley and Sons. New York. 1994. 668 p. ISBN 0-471-58262-X (EN)
Recommended reading
FOREJT, Milan, KREJČÍ, Jan a Jaroslav BUCHAR. Teorie a technologie tváření vysokými deformačními rychlostmi a energiemi: Vybrané statě z tváření. Milan Forejt. 2. vyd. Brno: VUT FSI. 1994. 65 s. Učební texty. FRVŠ (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1.Technological testing of bulk and sheet formability.
2.Metal forming forces and resistances (dynamometers, detection and evaluation of quantities).
3.Heat and temperature (measuring methods, detection devices, processing).
4.Microscopy methods (analysis of the morphology of the surface of tools and formed pieces).
5.Testing aimed at establishing the wear coefficient and the effect of lubricants in metal-
6.Evaluation of properties of tool materials.
7.Evaluation of properties of forming materials.
8.Measuring the forming and ejecting forces, determining the state of stress.
9.Experimental testing of non-uniform distribution of deformation.
10.Measuring the dynamic forming forces and determining the state of stress.
11.Evaluation of dynamic mechanical properties of forming materials.
12.Establishing the resistance to deformation at higher strain rates by Taylor anvil test-TAT.
13.Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Test - SHPB test and Tensile Bar Test SHTB test.